Watching You Watch Me

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AN: I've been reading a lot of dark romance lately and I thought I'd try something out. This imagine features obsession and stalking on both sides. Both characters are okay with it but I just wanted to put a warning here for those who aren't into that♡


As soon as he walks through the cafeteria doors, my eyes are focused on him. The way he casually walks, one hand in his jacket as the other carries that metal box of his sends me insane, his face lights up as he gets closer to his usual table, sitting with the rest of his Hellfire Club. I sigh, staring at the way he laughs and elbows his friend, the way he shakes his head which causes his hair to sway, way his brown eyes widen.

It was only last week I watched as he performed at The Hideout with his band, my eyes were glued to him then aswell. I'd die if his hands ever touched me the way he grips his guitar, I can only imagine the way his fingers move, epically with those rings of his on.

Suddenly as if feeling my gaze, Eddie turns his head to me, his expression full of confidence, it's like he knows how obsessed I am with him, and he likes it. I blush and force myself to turn away, it hurts me to hide my feelings, but the best things are observed from afar, where I can watch every detail of his life.

"The freak is watching you Y/N." My friends laugh teasingly, I frown and snap at them.

"You're just jealous that I'm getting more attention from him than you do from your own boyfriend." My friends' eyes widen and they go quiet, before returning back to their conversation. I used to care about what they said, but now all I can think about is how Eddie would react, I mean, would he approve of my friends?

Eddie stands up, smiling down at his friends before pulling out his cigarettes and tucking one behind his ear. He begins to walk towards the exit of the cafeteria. I look at the clock, seeing he's right on time for his usual smoke. I get up, grabbing my bag in a rush and jog to the exit, pushing the door open as I try to catch up with him.

All of a sudden hands grab me around my middle, one hand smothers my mouth to keep me quiet. If I didn't smell the heavenly scent of Eddie, I'd be panicking.

"You keep watching me sweetheart, I'm not used to such obsessive fans." He murmurs into my ear. I blush furiously, wrestling myself out of his grip and turn to face him. Eddie leans against the wall, smirking down at me.

I stay quiet, debating whether to blurt out my feelings or run away. My mind works overtime as I try to think about what Eddie would like me to do in this situation.

"Don't worry," he mumbles, stepping closer to me as I step back, I end up with my back against the wall, staring up into his eyes. My body shakes from a mixture of fear and excitement. One of Eddie's hands cups my cheek, his rings a cold contrast to the warmth of my face, his thumb brushes my cheekbone then moves to my hair, he plucks a strand and tugs it out of the way. Leaning down to my ear he deeply mumbles "I've been watching you too my little stalker."

My breath hitches as he chuckles nodding, "Oh yeah, I've seen you at all my shows, I remember every outfit you've wore to them. I've seen you when you haven't seen me, I like to think of it like a cat and mouse game."

I lick my lips, taking a deep breath as I raise my eyebrows. "So what do you propose we do?"

Eddie's gaze drifts from my lips back up to my eyes. "I think we should release this pent up tension between us sweetheart, I'll be at your house at ten, that's what time you go to bed right?"

I nod trying to control my breathing, when in reality all I want to do is drag Eddie into the nearby bathroom and do many unholy things to him.

"I'll be waiting." I say with a small seductive smile. Eddie watches me for a second later then pushes back, heading to the doors.

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