Chapter Two: Ezra meets Kanan and the Crew/Sabine's Offer

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Almost Five Years later, it was just a normal day for Ezra. The kid had finally gathered up enough credits on Lothal to get a ticket for him to get off this godforsaken planet after his foster brother betrayed him and the rest of his family almost Eight Years ago. As he entered the train station to get a ticket, he felt a Force presence behind him! He turned around to see who it was, but saw nothing!

Ezra: Okay, that was really werid!

Lothal Transport officer: Next customer in line, please!

Ezra shrugs his shoulders a little, before heading to get his ticket. Unknown to the kid, the rebel Jedi that he had sensed, who was named Kanan Jarrus was watching, curious about Ezra! His friends, Sabine Wren, and Zeb watched curiously as well!

Sabine: Who is that kid, Zeb?

Zeb: Beats me, Sabine! What do you think, Kanan?

Kanan: You two go meet up with Hera and head to Tarkintown, I'm gonna follow the kid!

Sabine: (Sighs) Fine, you're the Boss!

Sabine rolled her eyes in annoyance as she and Zeb left, just in time for Kanan to see Ezra entering a transport ship leaving the planet. Remembering that he still had an extra ticket himself, Kanan quickly enters the transport ship before it departs. Once the ship is in hyperspace, Ezra holds onto a pole as a elder man sits down.

Elder Man: Sorry, kid... This car is full. You'll have to move to the next car!

Ezra: That's okay, sir... I understand!

But as Ezra starts to move to the next car, a jolt of hyperspace knocks him to the ground, causing the boy to sprain his ankle! Everybody else in the car starts to laugh mockingly at the boy when one of their insults really hurts the kid's feelings!

Grumpy Lothal man: What's the matter kid, do you wanna go home to your mommy and daddy?! (Laughing)

The minute the mean man said that Ezra found himself crying from not knowing what having a real family was like, and moaning in pain from his sprained ankle... Kanan however, had seen the whole thing while he was trying to find the kid, and boy was he mad!

Kanan: How dare you speak to him that way! He's just a kid! (Groans in annoyance as he tries to help the kid to his feet!) Here kid, let me help you!

The man helps the tear stained Ezra up and carries him bride style as the train opens up for Tarkintown. While Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, and Hera were busy with the mission, Kanan sat on the boarding ramp of the Ghost as he wrapped a bacta patch around Ezra's sprained ankle.

Kanan: There you go, this should help make the sprain go away! 

Ezra looked at the stranger who had defended him from those people earlier on the transport ship, realizing that he didn't know his name...

Ezra: Thank you, uh... I-I don't know your name...

Kanan: Kanan, what's yours?

Ezra: I'm Ezra...

Kanan: Ezra? That's a pretty neat name...

Ezra: Yeah, my mom picked it...

Kanan: So, um... You're new to this part of the Galaxy, where are you from? (Tosses Ezra a Jogan fruit for a snack, as he grabs one to eat as well!)

Ezra held the Jogan fruit in his hands, smiling a bit sadly, knowing that it doesn't matter anymore!

Ezra: (Sighs) Why does it matter? I ran away and I'm not going back!

Kanan puts his fruit down for a minute and sits closer to Ezra on the ramp, who is still holding the fruit in his hands sadly...

Kanan: Really? How come?

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