Chapter Seventy-Eight: Ezra's first vision.../Worst fears have been realized!

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In Kanan's room on his bed, Ezra was laying there since he was still unconscious from collapsing without warning earlier! Kanan frowned, hoping that the kid would wake up so he could figure out what happened back there! Slowly but gently, Ezra moved unconsciously as he had his first Force Vision like his friends said that he was...

Kaitis: Security! Security! Help! There's a dangerous wild Jedi near my Ship!

Ezra: Here, let me help you up!

Omega: Thanks, Ezra... Hunter?

Ezra: Kanan?  Chopper?

Omega: What is that?

Ezra: It looks like a probe droid!

Seventh Sister: My pet told me you were here... I've been searching for you for some time!

Omega: A bounty hunter?

Seventh Sister:  
Guess again...

Ezra: You're an Inquisitor!

Seventh Sister: Oh, good! I won't have to explain it to you! So, you know what comes next!

Omega: Run!

Ezra: Like Kanan said, it's never a fair fight! We need to find Chopper, Hunter, and Kanan!

Omega: Yeah, that way...

Ezra: Not who we're looking for! How many of these guys are there?

Omega: Two! Go, go! Go, go! No!

Ezra: Omega, run!

Omega: Ezra!

Seventh Sister: Such a noble act... Just like a Jedi!

Ezra: I'm learning!

Seventh Sister: But not quite enough... I'm surprised to see you here!

Fifth Brother: The kill is mine!

Seventh Sister: You are short-sighted... We will use the boy as bait to draw in the others... Lord Vader did said that he wants the boy alive and unharmed, got it?!

Fifth Brother: (Sighs) Got it...

Seventh Sister: Good... Now find the girl!

Ezra: No!

Seventh Sister: You and I are gonna have a talk... And if you're good, maybe some of your friends will survive!

Hunter: What's going on? I heard blasts!

Omega: They've got Ezra!

Kanan: Who's got Ezra?

Omega: Inquisitors... Two of them!

Kanan: (Sighs) One was bad enough!

Seventh Sister: You handle a lightsaber well, apprentice...

Ezra: Well, I've got some time, if you wanted a lesson!

Seventh Sister: You have great potential, but perhaps it is I that might teach you, as your master never achieved the rank of Jedi Knight... Did he?

Ezra: Maybe not, but he took out the last Inquisitor... So I think I'll just stick with him!

Kaitis: Yes, the death of the Grand Inquisitor was a surprise to all...

Seventh Sister: Yet, it does present the rest of us with new opportunities... There are many hunting you now, all intent on capturing you and your master, and bringing you to Lord Vader! He did say that he wanted you alive... Does that frighten you?

Ezra: (Scoffs) If you were gonna take me to him, you'd have already done it!

Seventh Sister: Oh really? I have no plans to take you to him! Yet...

Kaitis: Your fear betrays you... (Sighs) Look who's back... And he was wearing an Imperial Cadet shirt and an Imperial helmet! What is he officially the golden child now? So predictable!

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