Chapter Eighty-Nine: Ezra's story about flying.../Stuck for repairs!

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In the hallway, Hera was taking the Phantom to Shantipole, with Sabine and Zeb as back up! But the pilot still thought that this was a bad idea, even if Kanan disagrees with her!

Hera: I can't believe you volunteered me for this reckless mission... After what happened, the fleet needs me now more than ever!

Kanan: True, the fleet needs a solution, but one that neither you nor Agent Kallus are able to see!

Hera: Are we talking in riddles now? Is that it?

Kanan: (Sighs) Fine... You want me to spell it out for you? We can't beat that blockade, not without a better ship, with better firepower, and the best pilot at the controls!

Hera: (Sighs) Even if this ship turns out to be everything we hope it is, I still might not make it back in time to help...

Kanan: Then you better hurry!

Ezra, however, is making sure that Sabine is in charge of keeping Zeb under control this time!

Zeb: What?!

Sabine: You heard him...

Ezra: I said: "Now remember Sabine, make that Zeb behaves himself while you guys are with Hera getting this new ship!"

Sabine understands that, but is a bit unsure who is going to help Kanan steer the Ghost as the co-pilot if they're busy! But Zeb tries to deny what Ezra just said!

Zeb: What?! I have never misbehaved on a mission with the girls!

Ezra and Sabine rolled their eyes at that as Rex and Chopper joined them, don't make the kid remind him of when his bickering with Chopper almost got Ezra and the girls turned into lunch food!

Ezra: Don't make me remind you of how your bickering with Chopper here almost got me and the girls turned into lunch food almost a year ago!

Chopper and Zeb both frowned, seeing that Ezra has a point!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: Alright, point taken...

Sabine: You're not really going to let Chopper co-pilot with Kanan when that only turns into a disaster like all the other times that Hera's not around to pilot the Ghost are you, Rex?

Rex laughed, Ezra is going to be the co-pilot!

Captain Rex: (Laughs) Oh, don't worry, Sabine... Chopper won't be the co-pilot for Kanan, he is helping me in the nose gun and the nose turret during the next run against the blockade! Ezra is going to be the co-pilot!

Sabine jumps up the ladder to the Phantom, as Ezra smiles with joy!

Sabine: Have fun, you four!

Ezra: Yes!

Zeb and Chopper thought that was a bad idea!

Zeb: No!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Oh, you don't want to help Rex? Fine... Then you can just Co-irritate Kanan like you used to do in the past!

Zeb and Chopper quickly walked away, knowing better than to doubt Ezra's flying skills, even more so than Hera's!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra smirked, that's what I thought!

Ezra: (Scoffs) Yeah, that's what I thought!

Kanan and Rex walked away with the kid, just as Hera climbs up the ladder along with Zeb!

Kanan: Have fun, you three!

As the Phantom left for Shantipole, Kanan was strapping into his seat in the cockpit, when Ezra came in! Kanan was curious why his student was so skilled with piloting ships, just as he was with being a Jedi...

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