Chapter One Hundred and Twenty: Eldra's trust restored.../Garel is exposed!

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Later that night on Garel, Ezra was taking care of Alora in the common room so that her grandmother could get some rest! The kid was rocking her back and forth like Eldra, Kaitis, and their parents had done for him when he was around Alora's age...

Ezra: (Humming)

Hunter, Omega, Eldra, and Kanan came into the room, wanting to see if the kid is okay after the events of today!

Kanan: Hey kiddo, you're up late again!

Ezra: Just taking care of Alora so that her grandmother could get some rest after the events of today!

Kanan sat down with the kid, as Hunter saw how gentle Ezra was with little kids!

Hunter: You know, for someone who certainly didn't get the chance to know his real Family because of the Empire, you certainly have a gentle way with kids!

Ezra shrugged, it's a gift!

Ezra: Hmm, it's a gift!

Omega frowned, remembering what Ezra said back when they reunited with each other back on Saleucami and what Kanan told her about back when they were on Takobo when they trying to escape Kaitis and the Inquisitors...

Kanan: It was at the end, the end of the war... Our fellow soldiers, the clones, the ones we Jedi fought side by side with, suddenly turned and betrayed us! I watched them kill my master... She fought along beside them for years, and they gunned her down in a second! As soon as I figured out what was going on while I was with Hunter and the others, I ran to help her... But she knew that they were too many of them! So she ordered me to run as she held the entire Squadron off... By herself! While I was a little bit scared, I obeyed and I ran, while she died, trying to protect me! And then came for me... Later they said they had chips in their heads that made them do it... Said they had no choice! If it wasn't for Hunter and doing what he thought was right, I would've been killed as well... And you know what the worse part is when Kaitis and the Grand Inquisitor said to me when they found out?

Ezra: No...

Kanan: They told me how would my precious and loyal Crew do if they knew their own leader was a coward... I guess even after letting go of my fear when I thought that I'd thought that I lost you during our fight with him, the death of her still haunts me... Those were the last words she spoke to me! I never saw her again... Oh karabast!

Ezra: I'm... So sorry! And what makes it even worse, real or adoptive families, we both lost everything that day...

Baby Ezra: (Crying)

Mira: Goodbye, Ezra...

Young Ezra: No! Mommy! Daddy!

Young Kaitis: Go back! Go back! 

Ezra: I tried telling her that almost the whole entire day since we got here Kanan, but as usual Eldra didn't listen to me or trust me to follow my own instincts like you guys have taught me! Are you ever gonna learn to realize that I'm the same helpless kid was almost 16 Years when you and your Family adopted me?!

Kanan agreed, seeing that Eldra hasn't realized that she cannot protect Ezra forever like he and Hunter can't with him and Omega!

Eldra: I do trust you!

Kanan: Yeah? Well you don't act like it and you haven't been trusting him, Eldra! You were the one who didn't approve of Ezra coming with us on the mission while the rest of us did, you ignored Ezra's theory at the Apartment, and you let your terrified feeling through the Force scare Pipey while Ezra managed to be calm so he could keep him calm as well... The problem hasn't been Ezra; it's been you!

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