Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven: Arriving on Concord Dawn/Talking to Rau!

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Soon The Phantom came out of hyperspace where Concord Dawn was! Ezra winced, Sabine wasn't kidding when she said that her people had a reason to pick a fight and that the System looked like it had been through a thousand Wars!

Ezra: (Groans) When you told me your people had a reason to pick a fight and that the System looked like it had been through a thousand wars and not just one, you weren't kidding, Sabine!

Kanan: Chopper, load up the intel Sabine gathered! We can pinpoint where their base is!

Chopper didn't need to since Sabine knew how land safely without being seen!

Sabine: No need, try landing over there! And better jam those scanners by way...

Kanan seems shocked but he lands the Phantom on the Fifth Moon of Concord Dawn!

Kanan: Huh... Nicely played, Sabine!

Later near the Protectors's Base of Concord Dawn's Fifth Moon, Kanan had landed the Phantom in a safe place where they can't be seen! The three of them hid in a safe place, as Sabine scanned the area to see what they're up against!

Kanan: Sabine, you think you scan the base and see what we're up against here?

Sabine: I'm on it!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Ezra: Chopper, stay with the Ship, We'll signal you when we're done here!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

(Indistinct Announcements)


Ezra: Well?

Kanan: What are we up against?

Sabine: Including the two Starfighters on patrol? Eight ships total! But they're spread out, so it's gonna take me a while to plant charges! But I think that I brought enough explosives...

Ezra smirked, Sabine always brings enough explosives!!

Ezra: You always bring enough explosives!

Just then, Kanan notices a Ship Approaching before asking the kids to get down before they're seen!

(Ship Approaches)

Kanan: Hopefully you won't have to use 'em... Now get down! They got company...


The Ship lands, revealing it to be Kaitis giving Rau some Credits, much to Ezra's disgust! 

Ezra: Oh, fantastic... Commander Kaitis!

Kanan: Looks like the Empire bought their loyalty!

Sabine pointed at Rau, explaining who he was to both Kanan and Ezra as Rau accepted the Credits from Kaitis!

Sabine: See the Mandalorian accepting the credits? That's their leader, Fenn Rau!

Fenn Rau accepted the Credits from Kaitis, before telling about the Squadron of Rebels that he encountered earlier! 

Kaitis: Here is the payment for the next rotation!

Fenn Rau: This arrangement is working to your benefit... I encountered a squadron of rebels!

Kaitis: The rebel fleet?

Fenn Rau: Not an entire fleet... A couple fighters... But my men and I took care of them! 

Kaitis: If they return, be sure to contact us!

As Kaitis boarded his Ship and left the Moon, Sabine knew that this couldn't be good!

Sabine: Sounds like your negotiations are gonna go great! What's the plan, Ezra? 

Ezra: Kanan, you work on your diplomacy plan, giving you a chance to recruit the Mandalorians... Even though it probably won't work!

Sabine and Kanan shrugged, seeing that some Mandalorians are different than Sabine is now!

Kanan: Alright, point taken! What about you and Sabine?

Ezra: While Rau is busy with you, me and Sabine could Stealthly put the explosives on the Ships! But there's no guarantee she get one onto Rau's Ship before the others catch us!

Sabine: And if they found which Clan House that I'm from and I have to call out my opponent for combat to the death and if that happens then maybe you should...

Kanan and Ezra already knew the answer to that!

Both: Stay out of the way?

Sabine: Pretty much...

Just then, they overheard some Mandalorians talking as Rau went back inside his Camp Hut!

(Indistinct Announcements)

Ezra: Shhh!

Mandalorian 1: Two rebels burned... The rest fled... 

Mandalorian 2: He wants us to stay on guard!

Kanan: Plant your bombs, but be careful!

Sabine sighed, hoping that Kanan knows what he's doing!

Sabine: (Sighs) All right...

Kanan: Hey. I trust you!

Kanan placed a comforting hand on Sabine, proving that he trusts her while Ezra is be ready when this doesn't go as planned, which it won't!

Ezra: Well, when this doesn't go as planned which it won't, I'll be ready!

Sabine rolled her eyes as Kanan left, that is so reassuring!

Sabine: That is so reassuring!

Inside his Hut, Rau saw Kanan enter, impressed that Kanan had a lot of guts to sneak onto his Base, assuming that he's one of those Rebels that he dealt with earlier!

Fenn Rau: Pretty bold to sneak onto my base... I'm gonna assume you're one of those rebels
I dealt with earlier!

Kanan shrugged, good guess, but that's not the entire truth!

Kanan: That's a pretty good guess, but not the entire truth!

Rau frowned as hand hovered over his blaster, giving Kanan a chance to tell him what he wants before he guns the Jedi down!

Fenn Rau: I don't recognize you, so before I gun you down, why don't you tell me what you want?

Kanan raised his hands in peace as he sat down in the seat that he was close to him nearby, explaining his story before clicking his Lightsaber from his Belt and putting it onto the Table for the Protector to see!

Kanan: We never met, but I do know you... In fact, I came to thank you! In the Clone Wars,
you fought in the Third Battle of Mygeeto! (Lightsaber Clicking) And I was there...

Rau chuckled, knowing that Kanan is a Jedi Survivor which would explain how he got past his men!

Fenn Rau: You're a survivor... (Chuckles) That explains how you got past my men!

Kanan looked at a cup of Warm Tea, explaining how Rau saved both his and Master's lives when he was still a Padawan back then...

Kanan: My master, Depa Billaba, and I were pinned down, trapped by droids... You and your Skull Squadron flew into the Separatist fire over and over to cover us... You saved our lives!

Rau smiled bittersweetly, he knew that a long time ago when he was still younger and more reckless back then... He didn't see what that has with Kanan being here to be honest!

Fenn Rau: Mmm... That was a long time ago! I was younger and more reckless then... To be honest, I don't see what that has to do with you being here!

Kanan frowned, Rau gave him a chance to live that when he was little... Now it's his chance to return the favor!

Kanan: You gave me a chance to live that day... Now I'd like to return the favor!

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