Chapter Ninety-Nine: Sabine forgives Kestu.../Some things never change!

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Ezra sighed, Kaitis wasn't even here and someone else still finds a way to use one of his friends as blackmail or to bribe him or Sabine!

Ezra: Oh, that's rich... Kaitis isn't even here and someone else still finds a way to blackmail me!

Sabine sighed, looks like they're gonna do this the hard way!

Sabine (On Comlink): All right, Ketsu... Let's make a trade!

Kestu smirked, she knew that Sabine wouldn't leave Chopper behind!

Kestu: I'll extend the docking ramp and get your little friend ready...

As Kestu did so, EG-86 beeped nervously... Ezra knew that Sabine could handle her, her anger was a very dangerous thing to be afraid of!

EG-86: (Droid Grunting)

Ezra: Uh-oh, Sabine's mad!

From her ship, Kestu knew that Sabine always had a soft side!

Kestu: I had a feeling she wouldn't leave you, she was always soft!

Chopper beeped quietly as she extended the dock ramp before Kestu warned Chopper not to try anything or she will disintegrate him!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kestu: Try anything, and I'll disintegrate you!

As Kestu opened her door to the docking ramp, Sabine did the same before she told EG-86 to stay here!

Sabine: Stay here...

Ezra got up from where was, he knew that Sabine was not handing the courier over to Kestu!

Ezra: You're not handing Boxy here over to Kestu, are you?

Sabine: Nope, not in any way! Hera put me in charge of this mission because she trusts me... I'm not letting her down! And don't worry about her disintegrating Chopper, it's not gonna happen, kid!

Sabine walked to meet Kestu with Ezra close behind her... The two of them faced each other, while Kestu has changed Sabine has not changed at all!

Kestu: Well, well... While I've changed, it seems you haven't changed at all!

Sabine frowned, she was not fazed by Kestu's so-called compliment... She knew that Sabine was not giving up the courier that easy!

Kestu: You're not giving up the courier, are you?

Sabine shook her head as EG-86 hid from her side of the docking ramp, knowing Kestu's gonna have to take him from her!

Sabine: Nope... You're gonna have to take him!

Chopper came up from behind her, knowing that Sabine isn't very smart sticking her neck out for him!

Kestu: And this astromech... Not very smart, sticking your neck out for it!

Ezra is hurt by that remark before both Sabine and him stood up for Chopper!

Ezra: Hey! Chopper's more than a droid, Kestu!

Sabine: Ezra's right! He's a rebel and a friend!

Chopper grunted in agreement, before Kestu sighed and took her helmet off, knowing that they were once friends!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Kestu: Oh, Sabine... We were once friends!

Sabine's eyes softened at Kestu's purple ones, before her big sister-figure offered to share her money with her like she used to do with her when they were still friends!

Kestu: Tell you what... Give me the power droid, and I'll share my cut with you... Like the old days!

Ezra frowned as Sabine shrugged Kestu's arm off her shoulder, she doesn't do things just for money anymore!

Ezra: Yeah, not happening!

Sabine: Sorry, old friend... But Ezra's right, I don't do things just for money anymore!

Kestu was shocked before mockingly remembereing it was about "the cause!"

Kestu: That's right... Now there's "the cause." You really think your little rebel group can overthrow the Empire? Grow up, little sister! You can't be that foolish...

Sabine pushed Kestu's hand, once they were like sisters, but... They only cared themselves unlike now, where she cares more about Ezra and the others than herself most of the time!

Sabine: Once we were like sisters... But... We only cared about ourselves!

Kestu knew that it was only about survival back then, Sabine of all people should know that she can't trust anyone when it's like that!

Kestu: It's called survival... You, of all people, should know you can't trust anyone!

Then Sabine said something to her that surprised even Ezra!

Sabine: I forgive you...

Kestu: For what?

Sabine: For leaving me for dead... And I still trust you!

Kestu: And you're wrong!

Sabine: I met people who gave me a second chance in life, and that's what I'm giving you!

Ezra placed a proud hand on Sabine's shoulder, agreeing with her!

Ezra: She's telling the truth! I was left for dead by my former adoptive brother when I was just a kid and was forced to not trust anyone else after that, and I still trust him... It wasn't until I met Sabine and her friends that she gave me a second chance in life as well, and that's what both me and Sabine are giving you!

Kestu was shocked at that story as Sabine and Ezra smiled at each other, knowing that they have been raised right! Unfortunately, they heard an Imperial Officer over the comlink!

Imperial Officer (On Comlink): Imperial cruiser to Garel shuttle 63725... Your craft has been identified as stolen... Prepare to be boarded!

Ezra frowned as Sabine smiled at Kestu, looks like they're friends again!

Sabine: Looks like we're friends again...

Kestu smirked, didn't really have much of a choice about it!

Kestu: Don't have much of a choice!

As the girls rushed ahead, Ezra followed them!

Ezra: Some things never change...

As the four of them rushed back to Sabine's Shuttle, the Imperial Officer from the Imperial Star Cruiser told them that they were holding position for docking and that Sabine and the others would be fired at if they attempted to flee!

Imperial Officer: Hold position for docking... Attempt to flee, and you will be fired upon!

The three of them frowned at each other, this can't be good!

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