Chapter Twenty-Four: Sabine explains her Family to Ezra

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In the Phantom, Ezra, Sabine, two Imperial Cadets, and Hera were flying in the ship, trying to deliver the two boys to safety while being chased by Imperial TIE Fighters after making an assault on an Imperial Convoy! Sabine was a bit worried, especially since Hera didn't seem to be fighting back!

Sabine: Hera, shouldn't we be firing back?

Hera didn't seem to be worried like she and Ezra were!

Hera: Stay calm. It's all part of the plan.

Ezra: Is getting blasted out of the sky part of the plan too? Because if it is, then the plan's going great!

Hera rolls her eyes, knowing that she's the best pilot there is!

Hera: Ezra, you should know better. (Steers the ship, causing one of the TIES to be destroyed!) There isn't a pilot in the Imperial fleet that can outrun me!

Sabine and the Cadets relaxed while Ezra was relieved, wanting to know if Hera could teach him some of those moves!

Ezra: Yeah. So, how 'bout teaching me some of those high-flyin' moves?

Hera: You? Fly my ship? I don't know, Ezra. You really think you're ready?

Before Ezra could answer, the kid saw that they were still in trouble!

Ezra: Not ready. Not ready!

Hera steers the Ship to avoid crashing, just in the nick of time! One of the cadets, Leonis turned to Ezra, wondering if this stuff always happens to him!

Zare: Does this always happen to you and your Crew, kid?!

Ezra: Oh-ho-oh! Trust me, everywhere I go!

Sabine: Well, we've gotten ourselves into another fine mess.

Hera: I admit it's a little messier than our intel indicated.

Sabine: Yeah. That's been happening a lot lately. Where, may I ask, does this intel come from?

Hera: You may ask...

The other Cadet, Jai, thought that maybe they could continue this later when they weren't in danger!

Jai: Uh, Guys?! Maybe we could have this family discussion at a later safer time?!

Ezra agreed, knowing that the boy was right!

Ezra: Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but could we maybe focus a little more on not dying?!

Hera steered the controls, knowing that Ezra was right, Fulcrum's intel wouldn't matter if they were all killed!

Hera: Hang on!

Hera defeats the remaining TIE Fighters, but scraped the bottom of the Phantom near a cliff! While the pilot shakes it off, Ezra and Sabine quickly checked to see if there's any real damage to the ship! 

Ezra: It's okay. Paint might be a little scratched, but no real damage.

However, Hera didn't seem to think so!

Hera: There's damage. Steering's off.

Ezra: Not what this says!

Hera: It's what I say, and I know my ship!

As Hera tried her best to steer the Phantom, Sabine is confused why the convoy and the mission was so important!

Sabine: Hey, I'm all for sticking it to the Empire, but what was in that convoy? You never told us why the mission was so important!

Hera: I've told you before, Fulcrum's intel is on a need-to-know basis!

Sabine rolled her eyes, yeah she has heard that before!

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