Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen: Finding Pypey.../Definitely not good!

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Meanwhile on the other side of the planet, Zeb and Chopper had just returned to the Phantom when Kanan and Ezra had just contacted him about what they had just learned about!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Zeb: You're telling me there's another baby out there?

Ezra: And it's headed your way...

Kanan: When you find the droid, tell it that the mother, Oora, sent you!

Zeb nodded, knowing that whatever Kaitis and the Inquisitors want with Alora and Pypey, one thing was for certain... It can't be good!

Zeb: Understood... On my way...

Zeb left Alora in Chopper's care, before leaving to find Pypey!

Zeb: That one's all yours!

Chopper: (Grunting playfully with Alora!)

Meanwhile, Zeb was looking for Oora's droid while listing the number of things he was!

Zeb: Garazeb Orrelios...  Honored soldier, feared rebel, baby hunter!

Suddenly, he found Oora's droid and that the baby was in the droid's carrier!

Oora's Droid: (Droid Grunting)

Zeb: At least I'm good at one of those things... Hey, droid!

But the droid got frightened, thinking that Zeb might be with the Empire before Zeb tried to calm it down!

Oora's Droid: (Droid Grunting)

Zeb: Wait, wait, wait! I'm here to help! Its mother, Oora, sent me!

The droid calmed down, seeing that he is here to help!

Oora's Droid: (Droid Grunting)

Zeb: That's right, Oora... She sent me for her child!

The droid gently carried the baby out of its carrier, before handing Pypey to Zeb!

Oora's Droid: (Droid Grunting)

Zeb: That's a baby?

Oora's Droid: (Droid Grunting)

But Zeb didn't seem to know how to hold it, seeing that Pypey was crying and wouldn't stop crying!

Zeb: I hope I'm holding it right side up... There, there, baby... Thing! It's okay, it's okay!

But Zeb's attempt at reassuring Pypey to calm him down wasn't working, causing the Lasat to groan in irritation!

Zeb: Karabast! Why'd it have to be me?

Gently, Zeb contacts Kanan and the others!

Zeb: Kanan, I found the baby!

Ezra rolled his eyes at Vos and Eldra, Zeb's pretty good at this!

Ezra: Already? You're pretty good at this!

Eldra and Quinlan Vos: (Chuckling)

Quinlan Vos: Good one!

Zeb rolled his eyes, before telling them where he is headed while the baby is still crying!

Zeb: Yeah... I know! I'm taking it back to the ship!

Kanan: Copy that! We'll meet you there...

The Droid tries to follow them, but Zeb tells him to act as a decoy for him!

Oora's Droid: (Droid Grunting)

Zeb: No, I'm sorry. You can't come. You have to act as a decoy!

Oora's Droid: (Droid Grunting)

While the Lasat walked off while carrying Pypey, he heard the former baby carrier was thrown across the ground, causing Zeb to turn around... He saw that it was Kaitis and the others, causing to hold Pypey gently and protectively in his arms!

Zeb: That's not good...

Suddenly, he sees that Kaitis has realized that the Droid was just a decoy...  Definitely not good!

Zeb: That's really not good!

Kaitis smirked before taking out the Droid, causing the Lasat to make a run for it!

Zeb: Watch out!

While trying to find a place to hide, Zeb contacts Kanan and the others about his situation!

Zeb: Spectre-1, making it back to The Phantom is not going to happen!

Kanan: Copy that, Spectre-4... Where are you?

Zeb: On the move... Ran into your three friends! We'll be in the tower at the grid nine intersection... Hurry!

The good news was that Zeb and Pypey had managed to lose the three Jedi Hunters by hiding there for a while... But the bad news that the both the Fifth Brother and Kaitis sensed Pypey's fear from inside the building!

Fifth Brother: Wait...

Kaitis: They are inside!

The Seventh Sister nods, before dispatching one of her probe droids to keep an eye on things out here for any of their Jedi friends!

Seventh Sister: You will be my eyes out here!

The Probe Droid nods, before they begin their search!

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