Chapter Eight: Ezra's First Mission

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A few days had passed since Ezra had joined the Crew. The kid was crawling through the vents on his first official mission with the Ghost Crew. Kanan had told him that Minster Tua of Lothal had specially designed blasters that could be useful to them in their job to help defeat the Empire, or gain a few credits! Ezra's job was to sneak into the building through the vents and meet up with Zeb and Sabine, assuming that they haven't gotten themselves into trouble again! Soon, Ezra had finally climbed out of the vents! But as he started to make his way to where Zeb and Sabine are, he sees a Stormtrooper and Agent Kallus passing by! He stealthily hides behind a shadowy pillar, so that he won't be spotted!

Stormtrooper: Agent Kallus, the delivery for the specially designed blasters from the Emperor is arriving for Minster Tua of Lothal to pick up for you soon! And the Rebels known as Zeb and Sabine are being held hostage with her as we speak!

Agent Kallus: Excellent! I want security doubled in case the other two Rebels try to ambush Minster Tua in an attempt to steal the blasters and rescue their friends! Oh! That reminds me, keep a special eye out for Ezra Skywalker!

Ezra winced, hearing his true family name as the Stormtrooper was confused why a simple child is such a threat!

Stormtrooper: The boy? He is but a child! 

Agent Kallus: I warn you... Do not underestimate that boy! He may not be a fully trained Jedi Knight like his Father, but as the youngest child of Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala, he is not to be trifled with! Find him, trooper... I want him alive! Is that clear?!

Stormtrooper: Yes sir!

As the trooper escorts Kallus back to his ship and they both leave, Ezra comes out of the shadows of his hiding place behind the pillar and breathes a sigh of relief!

Ezra: Whew, that was close! I better go see how much trouble Zeb and Sabine have gotten themselves into now!

By the time Ezra gets there, he sees that Minster Tua and Senator Amda Wabo are holding Sabine and Zeb with two droids by their side!

Stormtrooper: Halt, thieves!

As the two of them held their hands in surrender, Senator Amda Wabo spoke something in his own language which not even Zeb understood before raising an eyebrow and turning to Sabine, who shrugged in the same confusion as him! The yellow protocol translated for them!

C-3PO: Master Amda Wabo says that crate contains his ion disruptors, and he wants you to let him have it!

Ezra finally approaches them, readying his yellow electric slingshot!

Ezra: Oh, of course. There must be some mistake. We can let him have it!

The kid winks at his friends, knowing that they might wanna stand back! Sabine and Zeb nodded at each other before stepping back with a smile, not wanting to be in the line of fire when it came to Ezra's weapons! The little blue astromech tried to warn his friend what Ezra was up to, but he didn't seem to get it!

C-3PO: Danger? I'm in no danger! As far as I am aware, there is only one way to interpret the phrase "Let him have it."

Ezra shoots an Energy String from his Slingshot at some Crates holding some Explosives, causing everyone to take cover!

C-3PO: Oh! He let him have it! Artoo, we are surrounded by brigands! I mean, just look at these ruffians!

Zeb: Ha ha!

Both Sabine and Zeb get up and grab their weapons before helping Ezra fend off the firing Stormtroopers at him!

Ezra: Sorry I'm late!

Sabine: How nice of you to join us, kid!

Zeb: So much for stealth!

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