Chapter Thirteen: Ezra's New Hope Revived

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On Lothal, Ezra was outside training with his Lightsaber with Sabine, while Zeb and Chopper were arguing, and Kanan was watching his Student from afar, impressed with how Ezra's skills as a Jedi were improving! He could almost hear his old Clone friends, Grey and Styles, commenting on how much a pair he and Ezra were, just like his own Master, Depa Billaba was when he was Ezra's age...

Grey: They make... Quite a pair don't they, Styles?

His attention was brought back to the Present by Ezra using his lightsaber to deflect all of the blaster Sabine, knocking her to the ground! Kanan is shocked while Sabine is confused by Ezra's unfairness!

Kanan: Whoa!

Sabine: Ow! Hey!

Ezra: Was that fair?

Sabine: No!

Ezra: Did I win?

Sabine: I see your point!

Ezra helps Sabine up to her feet as Kanan comes over, impressed by Ezra's training!

Ezra: One of the rules of being a Jedi in a battle is to seek victory, not fairness!

Kanan: Spoken like a true Jedi!

Ezra: (Rolls his eyes) I wish!

The three of them turn to see that Zeb and Chopper are still arguing!

Sabine: Oh, boy...

Kanan: At it again, are they?

Ezra: Again, Master?

Kanan: Let's just say that like your Father and Ahsoka, they have a penchant for playing loose with regulations and rules of command! (Sighs) Uh, shouldn't you be watching your scope, Zeb?

Zeb: Yeah! Let's take a look. (Sees the Empire isn't in range of his scope!) Hmm. What do you know? All clear. Just like the last hundred times I looked at it!

Ezra rolls his eyes, when was the last time that the Lasat slept?

Ezra: Still here, buddy? When was the last time you slept?

Zeb: I'll sleep after we find Agent Kallus. Fulcrum's Intelligence spotted him in the Felucia System, but that was weeks ago. Since then, he vanished!

Sabine: Well, unlike you, maybe he's getting some much-needed rest!

Ezra: Ugh, it's like Zeb and Chopper were born on the same assembly line!

Chopper grunts upset, before Ezra makes a smart remark back at what Chopper said!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Ezra: Oh, I'm the one who needs an attitude adjustment?

Zeb: Wait. You actually understand that glorified beeping garbage can?

Ezra: Yeah. Sort of. I'm learning.

Before the conversation could continue, Ezra's comlink started beeping! Ezra answers it, knowing that it's Hera!

Ezra: Yes?

Hera: I need everybody in the Common Room for a meeting, it's urgent!

As Sabine and Zeb head back to the Ghost, Ezra and Kanan shrugged at each other!

Ezra: What was that about?

Kanan: No idea, this is new!

By the time they arrived in the Common Room, Ezra just crossed his arms, curious what crazy mission Hera has in store for them this time!

Ezra: Alright Hera, what's the problem? I'm missing Lunch!

Hera starts to play a secret message over the holonet! It switches from the ex-senator, Gall Trayvis to Fulcrum showing a recording that the Empire doesn't want anyone to know about!

Fulcrum: Citizens of Lothal, one of the Republic's greatest peacekeepers, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli is alive! 

Ezra gasped in shock, just as much as Kanan did. He used to hear stories about Luminara from his adoptive family all the time when he was a little kid...

Fulcrum: She has been imprisoned someplace on the Stygeon System and we are demanding a fair trial from the Emperor before the entire Imperial Senate ex-

Before Fulcrum could finish, the image of Fulcrum's symbol and the imprisoned Luminara were cut off before it switched back to Gall Trayvis's transmission! Hera turned it off as Ezra turned to Kanan, he was shocked that he knew of this surviving Master as well!

Ezra: You knew this Luminara?

Kanan: Uh-huh. My Master and I used to train with Luminara and her Padawan, Barriss Offee all the time at the Jedi Temple when I was little...

Ezra knew that if she was alive, they couldn't pass this mission up!

Ezra: Guys... If she's alive, then we can't pass this opportunity up!

Kanan and Hera looked at Ezra's determined nod and agrees with him!

Hera: I was hoping that you would say that!

Kanan: Hera, you set a course for the Stygeon System!

Hera: On it!

Hera heads to start up the Phantom and set a course for Stygeon, before Kanan turns to the others!

Kanan: I need Sabine's explosive skills, Zeb's strength, and Ezra?

He turns to his saddened student, who is scared of dumped and left behind again after his adoptive brother betrayed a long time ago... Kanan comes over and places a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder!

Kanan: I need you to help me to see the angles of the prison base that I can't! 

Ezra smiles, glad that Kanan trusts his talents just Eldra did when they were kids, before embracing Kanan quickly and pulling back!

Ezra: I won't let you down, Kanan!

As Ezra runs off smiling to get ready for the mission, Kanan stands up bit shocked by the hug, but smiles before going to get his lightsaber! Later on the Phantom, everyone but Chopper was leaving to head for the Stygeon System. Kanan gets up, thinking that he should he go and get Ezra!

Kanan: I'll let Ezra know we're ready...

Ezra: I know!

Kanan turns around in shock to see Ezra entering the ship with his yellow slingshot on his arm, his yellow backpack, and his lightsaber that once belonged Ahsoka, someone who Anakin loved dearly like a little sister... Kanan smiled at the kid, he knew that for the first time since he was a little boy just like him, Ezra felt like his true self! He smiled at Kanan, before turning to the others!

Ezra: Let's go get Luminara!

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