Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three: Sabine's idea.../ Next stop, Concord Dawn!

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In the briefing room of Commander Sato's Command Ship, Sabine, Hera, and the others were waiting for Kanan, Ezra, Hunter, Chopper, and Zeb, to get back from getting the supplies! Just then, the boys entered after they had dropped off the supplies in cargo bay! Both Omega and Sabine smiled with relief, seeing that Hunter and the guys were alright!

Sabine: Oh! You're okay!

As Sabine and Omega gave Hunter as well as Zeb and Ezra quick hug, Hera rushed over to Kanan, wanting to know what happened!

Hera: What happened down there, Kanan?!

Kanan sighed, explaining that he and the others were fortunate enough to get away at all back since the Empire's making it way more tougher in the Outer Rim than usual!

Kanan: We got the supplies, but we were fortunate enough to get away at all back there... The Empire's making our travels around the Outer Rim tougher all the time!

Hera sighed as Sato agreed, knowing that they need a new hyperspace route that is in and out of the Lothal Sector!

Commander Sato: Yes... We need a new hyperspace route in and out of the Lothal sector!

Ezra: Don't worry, Commander... We're way ahead of you since Sabine may have found a perfect shortcut a few days ago after our losses on Garel!

Hera and Kanan seemed shocked at that, before Ezra and Sabine showed them both what the young Mandalorian had found out!

Both: Wait, what?

Ezra: Sabine, if you may?

Sabine taps a button on the briefing table, bringing up the system of Concord Dawn


Sabine: The system of Concord Dawn... It's a Mandalorian colony and not an Imperial territory yet!

Hunter seems confused why it isn't Imperial territory yet, seeing how the Empire has grabbed just about every other place!

Hunter: Why not? They've grabbed up just about every other place!

Omega explained how elite this planet was, which got Zeb's attention on how much the Empire would think twice before picking a fight with them!

Omega: Concord Dawn is known for its elite warriors, Hunter... They were brought in to train clones back in the war!

Zeb: Bet even the Empire thinks twice about a fight with them!

Rex knew that there was just one small problem, their loyalty since the Empire does occupy their home world of Mandalore as much as Sabine's, proving that Imperial influence could be a little bump in their plans to use their hyperspace route as a shortcut!

Captain Rex: The question is, who are they loyal to? The Empire does occupy their home world of Mandalore, so Imperial influence could be a factor!

However, Sabine knew that these Mandalorians were already at war with each other before the Clone Wars started, proving that they like to make up their own rules!

Sabine: Years before the Clone Wars broke out, the Mandalorians were already at war with each other... This group call themselves the Protectors! They like to make up their own rules...

Hera rolled her eyes at Kanan, now that sounds familiar coming from Sabine!

Hera: Sounds familiar...

Hunter wanted to approach this by going in and seeing what they're up against, but Hera had other ideas!

Hunter: So we go in with strength, scout the system for defenses to see what we're up against!

Hera: Or why not try diplomacy? Ask permission to use their system as a shortcut!

Rex and Hunter both knew that these Warriors like these only understood strength!

Captain Rex: Diplomacy? Warriors like these only understand strength!

Hunter: He's got a point!

Ezra was aware of that, but knew that they shouldn't make an enemy if they don't need to!

Ezra: But Rex, we shouldn't make an enemy if we don't need to! Cause to be honest... We already have an enemy with the Empire and shouldn't do it to put an even bigger price on our heads!

Hera nodded, agreeing with the kid's statement before explaining the plan to Commander Sato!

Hera: Ezra's right, Commander! If we get permission to fly through their space, the next step could be recruitment... To grow the rebellion, we need friends like these Mandalorians... We could have our route and a powerful ally as well!

Sato nodded, before letting Hera lead the mission along with a few Phoenix Squadron Pilots as back-up!

Commander Sato: Very well, Captain Syndulla... The mission is yours!

Sabine asked if she could tag along as Hera smiled, always a good idea to have the Mandalorian expert for advice!

Sabine: Okay if I tag along?

Hera: I was hoping you'd ask!

Ezra smirked as the girls left, surprised that diplomacy won the day for once while Kanan knew that there was once a time when it always won the day!

Ezra: Hmm... Looks like diplomacy won the day for once!

Kanan: There was a time when it always won the day!

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