Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six: New Plan.../Heading back to Concord Dawn!

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In Briefing Room, Ezra and Sabine arrived as the young girl brought up a hologram of the person who did this and who they are up against to show everyone!

Sabine: Fenn Rau, the Protector of Concord Dawn... That's who did this... That's who we're up against!

Kanan frowned before he turned to Rex, knowing that he is the Warrior expert other than Sabine is here!

Kanan: Rex, does that name sound familiar to you?

Rex nodded, as he told them all what he knew about this Protector!

Captain Rex: It sure does... Fenn Rau was a fighter pilot instructor for the Grand Army of the Republic! He also served...

Kanan knew what he was talking about, considering he was there when he was little!

Kanan: At the Battle of Mygeeto! I know... I was there!

Ezra and Eldra frowned, remembering what Kanan is talking about!

Eldra: That's right...

Ezra: Yeah, you were a Padawan and were fighting General Grievous when Rau and the rest of his Skull Squadron saved you and Master Depa Billaba from Grievous and his Battle Droids!

Ahsoka: Yes, that's right!

Captain Rex: Oh... You're really good at paying attention to Kanan's old Clone Wars Stories!

Ezra: Thanks, guys!

But Sato knew that was a long time ago and knew that negotiating was off the list as much as Kanan did!

Commander Sato: That was a long time ago!

Kanan: So I guess negotiating's been taken off the table?

Sabine: Yeah? You want to negotiate? Let's negotiate, by destroying their ability to attack us! I tracked them from Concord Dawn's third moon... They must have a base there!

Ezra: If they scan our fleet approaching, their fighters will cut us to pieces!

Commander Sato: Then I guess we'll have to hit 'em before they take off! You think one of you can infiltrate their base?

Ezra nods, he already has a plan in action thanks to Omega!

Ezra: I believe we can... 

Kanan agrees, knowing that they to protect the Fleet as well as complete Hera's mission!

Kanan: We can take out their fighters, all of them!

Sato did thought that it was risky but he knew that it was only chance that they had!

Commander Sato: Hmm... It's risky, but I approve!

But Zeb didn't, he and the others knew what Kanan was really up to since they knew their friend better than that!

Zeb: Well, I don't! So, what are you really up to?

Kanan: (Sighs) You heard Sato's orders... I'm gonna destroy those fighters before they take off!

Sabine: I know you better than that! 

Kanan sighed, knowing that he can never fool Sabine and the others!

Kanan: (Sighs)  Fine, I can never fool you guys... I'm going to finish Hera's mission... We need to recruit the Mandalorians to join the Rebellion!

While both Sabine and Ezra understood his reasons of offering the Protectors the chance to change since everyone deserves one, Zeb thought that was a terrible plan since the whole Jedi philosophy stuff doesn't work for everyone when they were at war!

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