Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight: Hera's animosity.../New TIE Fighters?

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As Hera tried to keep the Ghost safe from Purrgils, Zeb asked what those are!

Zeb: What the bloody blazes are those?

Hera knew what they were, and was already preparing to fire at them!

Hera: Purrgils... They'll rip the hull apart! Prepare to fire... We gotta drive them back!

Kanan however, knew that the Pilot wasn't thinking clearly! He told Hera to not shoot at them and to just let them pass, and let 'em do what they do!

Kanan: Don't shoot! They'll pass... Just let 'em do what they do!

Hera refused, knowing what they do is destroy starships like theirs!

Hera: What they do is destroy starships like ours!

Sabine agreed with Kanan on this one, they can't waste power fighting these things since they need Fuel supplies right now!

Sabine: We can't waste power fighting these things!

Hera shrugged, as she and Sabine debated on either running into them or the asteroids right now!

Hera: What choice do we have?

Sabine: We could just get out of their way!

Hera: We either run into them or the asteroids! Take your pick...

Luckily, Ezra offered an idea to help calm the Purrgils down a bit!

Ezra: Try flying with them instead of against them!

Sabine agreed, knowing that's not a half-bad idea!

Sabine: That's not a half-bad idea!

Hera reluctantly does so, she cannot believe that she is doing this!

Hera: (Sighs) Fine... I can't believe I'm doing this!

Kanan shrugged, it's not the strangest thing that they've ever done before in the Past!

Kanan: It's not the strangest thing we've ever done!

While Hera knew that was true, it didn't really make her feel any better about this!

Hera: Yeah, that doesn't make me feel better!

As soon as Hera flies the Ghost alongside the Purrgils, they calmed down! Ezra had a feeling that they were calm now, since he wasn't hearing them anymore!

Ezra: I think they're calming down... I'm not hearing them!

Everyone else was amazed, seeing that it was working as well! Kanan was impressed at Ezra's quick thinking instincts, asking how the kid knew that idea would work!

Kanan: That was a good instinct, Ezra. How did you know?

Ezra shrugged, it just seemed like the right thing to do!

Ezra: It just seemed like the right thing to do!

Hera doesn't seem to think the situation had improved at all!

Hera: Okay, we're low on fuel, surrounded by asteroids, and caught in a swarm of Purrgil! How has the situation improved exactly?

Zeb questioned if they were still shooting them or not, cause a really big one had just passed them!

Zeb: Hello? Are we shooting them or not? 'Cause here comes a really big one!

Sabine agreed with Ezra however, the creatures were amazing! So... Who or why would anyone want to shoot them!

Ezra: These creatures are amazing! 

Sabine: Ezra's right, guys... Who would want to shoot them?

Kanan rolled his eyes at Hera, knowing that Hera would if anyone gave her the chance right now!

Kanan: Hera, if you gave her the chance...

Hera frowned, Kanan didn't know what he's taling about while she does!

Hera: Kanan, you don't know what you're talking about... I do!

Kanan frowned, asking what Hera's problem was since he was so uneducated at the moment!

Kanan: Well, since I'm so uneducated, why don't you explain your problem?

Hera sighed, knowing that she's lost a lot of her loved ones to those big lumbering menaces in the Past!

Hera: These creatures are a menace! A big, lumbering menace...

But before the argument between both Kanan and Hera could continue any further, Ezra notices that something was startling the big Purrgil!

Ezra: Something's upsetting it!

Sabine jokingly thinks that it's Hera!

Sabine: Maybe it's Hera...

But Kanan knew that it wasn't Hera this time regardless if he thought that the Pilot's Glare was both funny and scary right now!

Kanan: No, it's not Hera!

Everyone saw what Kanan saw on the Scanners, Two yellow-streaked TIES that were beginning to strafe the Purrgils!

Kanan: TIE fighters... Two of 'em... I need a better angle!

Hera sighed, if he insists!

Hera: Hang on!

As Hera steers the Ghost to get a better angle, she and Sabine both notice that those TIES have been modified and look nothing like the Imperial ones that they deal with all the time!

Sabine: Those TIEs have been modified...

Hera: She's right, Kanan! They're not Imperial...

Kanan frowns as he uses the Ghost's turret to shoot one of the new TIES... They may not be Imperials, but they are sure acting like it!

Kanan: Well, they're acting like it!

As Kanan gets one of them, Ezra is about to shoot the second one with the Ship's rear cannon!

Ezra: I've got him! I've got him...

But before he could blast the TIE, Ezra lost his cannons!

Ezra: Hera, I lost my cannons!

Hera quickly started rerouting auxiliary power from the Phantom to the rear cannons!

Hera: Rerouting auxiliary power from The Phantom!

As she quickly does so, Zeb notices power fading the the Phantom, leaving him to mutter out his favourite word!

Zeb: Oh, Karabast!

Seeing that the remaining TIE is getting closer, Ezra screamed at Hera to hurry it up!

Ezra: Hera! (Screams in Fear!)

Luckily, Hera manages to transfer power to Ezra's cannons just time for him to blast the TIE Fighter before anyone could get hurt, much to Ezra's relief!

Ezra: (Sighs with Relief!)

Kanan sighed, knowing that not shooting at the Purrgils was a good idea!

Kanan: (Sighs) See? If we shot at the purrgil, we wouldn't have had...

Hera shuts her comlink connection between her and Kanan off, not sharing the same positive spirit that both Ezra and his Master did... They may think that those Purrgils are fine, but she's not sure just yet!

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