Chapter One Hundred and Two: The special Star Destroyer.../We'll get them back!

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On Commander Sato's ship, he, Ezra, Minister Tua, and the rest of his crew were heading to the Del Zennis system to find a missing Rebel patrol ship!

Ezra: Commander, we'll be arriving in the Del Zennis system any moment...

Commander Sato: Well, we're coming up on the last known position of our missing patrol, but I already checked the star charts... There's nothing out here!

Ezra: But obviously, that's not true since the ship went missing, so, you know, there must be something out here!

Commander Sato sighed, hoping that Ezra could be helpful as Hera said that he would be!

Commander Sato: When Captain Syndulla said you volunteered for this mission, she insisted you could be helpful! Let us hope that is true...

Minister Tua looked over at Ezra, seeing that Ezra is troubled by something!

Minister Tua: Something on your mind?

Ezra frowned, sensing that the force was warning him about something!

Ezra: Something's about to happen...

True to his word, one of the Rebel Pilots reported that they lost hyperdrive control!

Rebel Pilot: Commander, we've lost hyperdrive control!

Commander Sato: Emergency positions!

Minister Tua seemed to be confused, are they under attack or something?

Minister Tua: What's happening? Are we under attack?

Suddenly, the Pilot reported that they were being pulled out of hyperspace!

Rebel Pilot: We're being pulled out of hyperspace!

(Alarm Blaring)

Commander Sato: Secure all stations and get me a status report!

Suddenly, Ezra found that the Instruments were frozen and that it was a Star Destroyer as they exited light speed!

Ezra: Instruments have frozen! It's a Star Destroyer!

Minister Tua crossed her arms in fear, it was something that was far worse than just a Star Destroyer!

Minister Tua: No... That is something else!

Commander Sato: Send the distress signal! Now!

Ezra quickly pressed a button on the ship's comlink system, hoping that Kanan and the others can hear it in time before the Empire jams their transmissions!


Ezra: Phoenix Home to Ghost, we've been pulled out of hyperspace! The Empire...

(Powers Down)

But the ship was powered down as the tractor beam pulled them onto the top secret Star Destroyer! Ezra frowned, hoping that Kanan got the message! Back on Garel, Kanan was worried that he, Rex, Omega, and the rest of the Bad Batch have not heard from Ezra and the others yet!

Kanan: I'm telling you guys, we haven't heard from Ezra and the others yet! They have to be in some kind of trouble!

Rex smirked, knowing that Kanan should have more faith in his Padawan!

Captain Rex: Kanan, have more faith in your Padawan!

Kanan: He would've checked in already!

Captain Rex: Yeah? Like you would always do before in the past and when you were his age?

Hunter: Or like his Father and Ahsoka would always do when they were little?

Omega held back a small smile and a little chuckle as Kanan rolled his eyes, seeing that the two old Clones both make a good point!

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