Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unspoken/Governor Tarkin meets an old fallen friend...

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The next day, Kaitis was doing Lightsaber training with the Inquisitor on their Ship! While Kaitis was doing well, he was still angry with Ezra for ruining his life, from his point of view... In fact, he was angry at Ezra so much that he didn't even wanna hear his name! However, the Inquisitor noticed his apprentice's odd behavior and lowered his lightsaber!

Grand Inquisitor: Kaitis? 

Kaitis: (Screams a little bit in shock and fright, before turning his lightsaber off!) Sorry Master, I just can't seem to focus!

Grand Inquisitor: I noticed... What is it that troubles you, my apprentice?

Kaitis: (Sighs) It's my former Adoptive brother... I mean, it's bad enough that I lost my former Master and all of my friends because of him! But now I've lost my real family, Kanan, and Eldra because of Anakin's youngest child?! I don't want anything to do with the old ways, or even with Kanan's so-called Padawan! In fact, I don't even wanna hear his name!

Since the moment I fell into the Sith Crystal Well,
Whenever my emotions swell,
I set off a magic spell!
It is wondrous if I'm elated or proud, or glad...
But if I'm anxious or mad, or sad,
It can turn out really bad!
The only thing to do to keep those around me safe,
Is lock my feelings up inside and make sure they don't escape!

I must hide all my emotion,
For they cause too much commotion...
From now on stay cool and calm, no waves in this here ocean!
So get used to the notion...
Of this new path I have chosen:
Keep my feelings to myself, they're better left unspoken...

There's one topic that certainly will make me blue,
I'm talking about you-know-who,
And everything he put us through!
It is better if I never hear his name at all,
Or else the past I will recall,
And set off another magic squall!
The only thing to do to keep those around me safe,
Is lock my feelings up inside and make sure they don't escape!

I must hide all my emotion,
For they cause too much commotion!
From now on stay cool and calm, no waves in this here ocean!
So get used to the notion...
Of this new path I have chosen:
Keep my feelings to myself, they're better left unspoken!
No waves in this ocean...
Leave it all unspoken...

Kaitis frowned, remembering the last conversation he had with Ezra on the day before his 10th Birthday, and it wasn't pretty...

Ezra: So that's it? You're going to abandon Sabine and her people?

Kaitis: Ezra, surely you understand this is a pivotal moment in the War against the Empire...
The heart of the Lothal is under attack!

Ezra: I understand that, as usual, you're playing politics... This is why before and after Clone Wars had ended the people have lost faith in the Jedi. If case you both are forgetting that just like Ahsoka did after Barris betrayed her, I had too until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us!

Kaitis: Right now, people on Lothal need us...

Ezra: No... The Minister needs you!

Kaitis: That's not fair...

Ezra: I'm not trying to be...

Before the Inquisitor could try to assure his young Student that he made his choice just Ezra and his Father, Kaitis's comlink beeps!

Kaitis: (Sighs) Sorry Master, I should take this! Yes?

Crosshair: Sorry to interrupt your training sir, but there's an Imperial Shuttle coming in... Whoever is coming, wants to see the both of you!

Kaitis: We'll be right there, Commander! Besides... I have a pretty good idea of who it is if it's not Lord Vader, Master!

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