Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine: Escaping the Bonzamis!/A signal for help...

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After their conversation, the two stood up, knowing that it was finally to get out of here! As they both stood up, Kallus offered to hold Zeb's own Bo-Rifle for him during the Climb!

Agent Kallus: I'll take that for you, for the climb!

Kallus offers to hold Zeb's bo-rifle for him during the climb, but Zeb instead throws the weapon, as well as the meteorite and transponder, up to the surface through the hole, to Kallus' visible irritation

But Zeb threw the weapon, the meteorite, and the transponder, all them landing up onto the surface through the hole, much to Kallus's visible irritation! Zeb simply shrugged, stating that they'll get it when they reach the top!

Zeb: We'll get it when we reach the top... Time to go!

Kallus climbs onto Zeb and holds on tight, as the Lasat begins to start climbing... But Kallus told him not to climb the walls, before telling him to go up the pillars instead!

Agent Kallus: Hold it! Don't climb the walls... Go up the pillars!

Zeb was a littke bit skeptical, as Kallus explained that the pillars up the cave, proving that they should be strong enough for both of them!

Zeb: What?! Pillars will never hold my weight, never mind yours added on!

Agent Kallus: They hold up this cave, don't they?

Suddenly, the two of them heard the Bonzami roaring neraby again!

Bonzami: (Roaring)

Zeb sighed, if Kallus is wrong, then he is feeding him to that creature!

Zeb: If you're wrong, I'm feeding you to that thing!

Kallus shrugged, fair enough!

Agent Kallus: Fair enough...

Zeb begins to climb a Pillar, with Kallus holding onto him... As his hands begins to slip while still holding on, he still thought that this was a terrible idea!

Zeb: This is a terrible idea...

Kallus frowned, telling the Lasat to just climb already!

Agent Kallus: Just climb!

As Zeb continued to do so from one Pillar to the next, the Bonzami has returned! But this time, he had a friend with him!

Bonzami 1: (Roaring)

Bonzami 2: (Roaring)

Zeb: There are two of them!

Zeb quickly dodges their attacks while hanging on tightly to the Pillars, muttering his favourite curse word!

Bonzami 1: (Roaring)

Bonzami 2: (Roaring)

Zeb: Karabast! 

Kallus rolled his eyes, asking what does that even mean?!

Agent Kallus: "Karabast! Karabast!" What does that even mean?!

Zeb sighed as Kallus struggled to hang on, right now it means that the Agent is a lot heavier than he looks!

Zeb: (Sighs) Right now, it means you're a lot heavier than you look!

As the two of them climbed up and closer to the icy opening in the celling, Kallus lost his grip as Zeb grabbed him by his injured leg!

Agent Kallus: (Screams)

Zeb: (Grunts) The goal is not to fall!

Kallus rolled his eyes at that as Zeb activated the bo-rifle's pike on his splinted leg, telling Kallus to hold still while hoping that this works!

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