Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two: Temporarily secure!/Saved from Asphyxiation!

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Back at the refinery, one of Yushyn's Guards told them of the intruders on the bridge!

Rodian Guard: Boss Yushyn, we have intruders on the patrol bridge!

Yushyn knew that they were Fuel Thieves before ordered the Guard to alert all their sentries, determined to protect the shipment at all costs!

Yushyn: Fuel thieves... Alert our sentries... Protect the shipment at all costs!

Rodian Guard: Yes, sir!

Meanwhile, Sabine, Kanan, and Chopper were all pinned down by the gunfire coming from the refinery's Rodian guards!

Sabine: Where's our cover fire?! 

Ezra: Working on it!

Luckily, Ezra came to their rescue by firing the cannon at the sentries, knocking one out and forcing the others to retreat! However, Kanan warned him to be careful and to not hit the Fuel!

Kanan: Careful! Don't hit the fuel!

Ezra rolled his eyes, he can't be fast and careful!

Ezra: I can't be fast and careful!

Kanan: Oh, right, sorry!

Sabine contacts Hera, knowing that her Landing Zone is only temporarily secure right now!

Sabine: Hera, you better get down here... Your landing zone is temporarily secure!

Hera smiled, Then it's a good thing that they're here now!

Hera: Then it's a good thing we're here!

As the Ghost lands, Sabine tells Kanan that she and Chopper are going to help Zeb and Hera with the Fuel!

Sabine: I'll get the fuel...

Kanan frowned, She better make it fast since their unwanted old friends are back!

Kanan: Better make it fast... They're back!

Kanan contacts Ezra, he needs more cover fire!

Kanan: Spectre-6, do you copy?

Ezra: Kanan, I figured it out! You're not going to believe this...

Kanan: I believe I need more cover fire!

Ezra: Yes! Right! Sorry!

But just then, Ezra is knocked off his gun emplacement by a Rodian gunner, causing him to plummet into the gas-covered crater on the planetoid below! 

Ezra: Aah!

Not noticing what happened since they were under enemy fire, the other Rebels managed to load the Fuel Canisters aboard the Ghost. Hera manages to use one of the Ghost's turrets to knock out a gun emplacement and its a Rodian gunner!

Yushyn then ordered the refinery to deploy its TIE fighters, which began strafing the Ghost! 

Yushyn: Launch fighters!

When Hera sees this, she chides Sabine about Platform, saying that it was secure!

Hera: I thought you said the landing platform was secure!

Sabine loaded one of the Fuel Canisters onto the Ghost, she said that it was temporarily secure!

Sabine: Temporarily! I said, "Temporarily secure!"

Zeb begins using a Fuel Canister to power up the Ghost's Systems, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible!

Zeb: Refuel commencing!

Hera looked at her screen, telling it to hurry up as Sabine loaded up the rest of the Fuel Canisters as Zeb covered her from the Blaster Fire with his Bo-Rifle!

Hera: Come on, come on!

Using his Lightsaber to deflect the Blaster Fire from the TIE Fighters, Kanan contacted Ezra to provide some more covering Fire for him! But the only problem was, he saw that his Student was gone as his worry and concern grew for the Kid!

Kanan: We've got fighters... Ezra!

Meanwhile, Ezra had landed on top of a Purrgil that was known as the Purrgil King... His mind was still hazy from his fall as he struggled to get up, distantly hearing Kanan's worried cries of Concern for him!

Kanan: Ezra! Ezra, where are you?! Ezra?! Come in, Ezra!

Struggling to get up as the Purrgil King moved, Ezra noticed that his painted Stormtrooper Cadet Helmet had fallen off when he fell! Suddenly, the boy found himself Gasping for breath, due to the Toxic Gas atmosphere around him!

Ezra: (Groaning) (Gasping)

Ezra tried to grab his Helmet, but couldn't as it fell deeper into planetoid below and off the King Purrgil! Ezra felt like his lungs were on fire, due to him struggling for air and Coughing so much!

Ezra: (Gasping for Air) (Coughing)

Ezra felt himself losing consciousness as his head was hanging off King Purrgil's head and right in front of its eye, due to him trying to survive Death by asphyxiation! Gently but weakly, Ezra pleaded with the Creature to help him!

Ezra: (Coughs Weakly) Help... Help me...

Ezra's struggling eyes stared into the Purrgil King's eye, feeling his own eyes glowing bright white and blue! Ezra felt as if his mind could feel what the Creature was thinking, understanding everything now!

Ezra: I understand... We want to help you... Let us help you!

The Creature understood as it used one of its tentacles to grab Ezra's painted Stormtrooper Cadet Helmet before it put it back on the kid's head! Ezra relaxed, taking deep breaths of him being deprived of oxygen and his life being saved from asphyxiation mere moments ago, before thanking the Purrgil King for saving his life!

Ezra: Thank... (Coughs) (Sighs with Relief) Thank you... You saved my life!

The Purrgil King nodded slowly and gently, giving a quiet "You're Welcome" to him! Ezra stood up with both his lightsabers activated now, They both still have a mission to finish right now, and a Team to reunite with!

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