Chapter One Hundred and Seventy: Reunited.../Two different paths are chosen!

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The song and Kaitis's almost last words were inspired by one of Lydia the Bard's songs on Youtube... But I can't repost it, or I might lose my whole story!  So, here's her user name, and enjoy my story!


Later the next morning, the blizzard had finally stopped with both Zeb and Kallus, who had eventually fallen asleep while leaning against each other... After the both of them finally woke up, they two of them are disgusted at this, before hitting at each other's shoulders! Just then, the both of them heard a Ship that was approaching nearby!

Agent Kallus: That's a ship!

Zeb agreed, but the only question was whose Ship was it?

Zeb: Yeah... But whose?

Zeb offered Kallus his hand, helping him up to his feet!

Zeb: Come on!

Kallus took the Lasat's hand, as they both walked overside their shelter to see who the approaching Ship belongs to! To Zeb's relief, it was the Ghost! Kallus smiled a little bit, realizing that Zeb's friends really did find him!

Zeb: Ah, so... Your friends did find you!

Zeb nodded as the Ghost landed, just like he said that they would!

Zeb: Just like I said they would!

As Zeb begins to walk back to the Ghost, he pauses before making Kallus a offer to come with them, knowing that he and his friends will all him fairly!

Zeb: You know, we will treat you fairly...

While he appreciated the offer, Kallus turned it down while admitting that he'd rather take his chances with the Empire!

Agent Kallus: I'll take my chances with the Empire, Zeb...

As Kallus called him by his nickname, Zeb smiled as he respected the Agent's choices, as he let him keep the meteorite as a sign of his respect before he placed both hands in a sign of respect as well before leaving... Kallus smiled as he hid, as Zeb approached the Ghost! The loading Ramp had already lowered, with Eldra, Sabine, and Ezra already on it to greet Zeb, followed by both Kanan and Hera, while both Rex and Chopper had stayed on the Ghost!

Ezra: Ah! ZEB!

Sabine: Zeb!

Eldra: (Sighs) Oh, thank Force!

Kanan shrugged as his three friends made their way over to him, he knew that Zeb would be fine all along!

Kanan: See? Told you guys that he'd be fine!

Everyone rushed over to their missing friend, as Ezra and Hera both expressed how worried they all were yesterday while looking for him!

Ezra: Zeb, you made it!

Hera: We picked up your beacon... We were so worried!

Zeb shrugged, knowing that it wasn't so bad, seeing that they've all been tighter spots before... He placed a reassuring hand on Ezra's shoulder, saying that he knew that the kid and the others would find him eventually!

Zeb: It wasn't so bad... We've all been in tighter spots! I knew you'd find me eventually...

Zeb turned around, knowing that things between both him him and Kallus will never be the same after today! Sabine and Eldra both stated that now might be a good time to get out of here!

Sabine: Come on, let's go home and get of here before Kaitis's unwelcoming committee shows up again!

Eldra: Yeah, I'm with Sabine on that one, you guys... I've had more than enough adventure with old Planets from the Clone War like Geonosis for a lifetime, let alone for at least one day!

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