Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: Arriving on Takobo.../We will find her!

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Soon the Phantom had arrived on the Takobo System! Eldra seemed confused what they were looking exactly!

Eldra: So, where are we going? Did Ahsoka say exactly what we were looking for?

Ezra shook his head no, whatever it is they have to get it before Kaitis and the Inquisitors do!

Ezra: No, she just said we have to get whatever it is before Kaitis and the Inquisitors do! Chopper, you have those coordinates?

Chopper grunted, which confused Ezra and Kanan deeply by the Droid's translated answer!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Ezra: Housing units?

Kanan: What would Kaitis and the Inquisitors want there?

Zeb shrugged, he doubts that they are renting right now!

Zeb: I doubt they're renting!

Kanan sighed, before deciding to spilt up so that they can cover more ground that way!

Kanan: Zeb, you take a look around the spaceports for the Inquisitors' ship... If Kaitis and Siblings are already here, I'd like to know!

Zeb nodded, consider it done!

Zeb: Don't worry... If I find any sign of 'em, you'll hear about it!

Ezra: Bring Chopper! Stay in touch... Eldra, Quinlan, you guys are with me and Kanan!

The two team spilt up, hoping to stop what evil plans Kaitis and the Inquisitors had! Meanwhile back on the passenger ship over the Chandel System, Omega, Hunter and Ahsoka had just docked the the ship! Ahsoka enters first, before giving her friends the okay sign to come up since the coast was clear now!

Ahsoka: All clear!

Hunter helped Omega up, seeing that the entire ship and everyone who was on it was now killed! Omega frowned, she doesn't like this!

Omega: I don't like this... Hunter, report!

She and Hunter felt the lightsaber burn marks on the walls, knowing that this can't be good!

Hunter: Senses are telling me that this is spooky...

Ahsoka: Yeah, agreed! In fact, we're going to have to go with very spooky, Omega!

Just then, the three of them heard a cry for help nearby behind the room that was damaged by the lightsaber burns and marks!

Darja: Help...

Thinking quickly, Omega and Ahsoka quickly pulled the door open, revealing Darja to be alive and awake from the stun blast that Kaitis had fired upon her! Ahsoka helped her sit up, reassuring the woman that she's safe now!

Ahsoka: I'm here... It's okay... You're safe now!

Hunter hands her some water before he asked her what happened here!

Hunter: What happened here?

Darja panics, remembering that Kaitis and the Inquisitors took her baby infant grandchild from her!

Darja: Help me... Help my grandchild...

Omega knelt down to Darja's level, before she and Ahsoka asked about Alora's fate and who took her!

Omega: Your grandchild?

Ahsoka: Wait... Who took your grandchild from you?

Darja panted, knowing why the Inquisitors took Alora from her!

Darja: They took her! The red blades, they knew that she has it... Find her! She has it...

Ahsoka calmed Darja down, knowing that she needs some rest!

Ahsoka: Rest! You need to rest....

I will find her... We all will find her!

Omega nods, before asking Hunter to take Darja back to their ship so that she can rest while we find Alora and the others!

Omega: Hunter, take Darja back to the ship so that she can rest!

Hunter nods at the young clone, before picking the woman up as the three of them rushed back to Ahsoka's ship! After placing Darja in a seat to rest, Omega quickly asked Ahsoka to set a course for the Takobo System!

Omega: Ahsoka, set a course for the Takobo System! I have an idea of what's happening there right now...

Ahsoka nods before making the jump to light speed, she also has idea of where Kaitis and the others are going...

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