Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Eight: Working Together...\Afraid of the Truth?

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Back on the Frozen Moon, Zeb was just managing to fix the transponder and had just finishing modifying it so its signal can be picked up by anyone!

Zeb: There... Fixed it! And I adjusted the frequency... Now anyone can pick up its signal!

Kallus did his best to stay warm, thinking that Empire will still win against Ezra and the others even if Zeb doesn't survive!

Agent Kallus: So? Maybe you won't die today, but the Empire will win... Every day, we recruit more informers! Every day, we persuade rebel sympathizers to reconsider their allegiances...

Zeb frowned in response, as he sat down before pulling the heater closing to himself as he made his point about he believed that he and his friends win no matter what!

Zeb: And every day, more beings get fed up with the Empire and join us!

Just then, the heater went out, leaving the both of them without any heat! Zeb saw that it's power cell was...

Zeb: Its power cell is...

Kallus finished Zeb's answer for him, despairing that he and Zeb will both be next probably!

Agent Kallus: Frozen! And we'll be next... (Shivers)

But just then, Zeb then noticed something glowing on the other side of the Cave, before getting up off the ground and going over to check it out! Kallus saw Zeb getting up, before asking what the Lasat was doing now!

Agent Kallus: (Shivers) What... Where are you going? What are you doing over there?

Zeb: Huh... It's warm!

Zeb picks up a glowing yellow warm rock, before going back to the pod to show it to Kallus, who saw it in his hands, asking what it was!

Agent Kallus: (Shivers) What did you find? (Gasps) What is that?

Zeb shrugged, saying that it is both warm and throws off light!

Zeb: I don't know, but it's warm! And it throws light...

Agent Kallus: Hmm... Probably some kind of meteorite! (Shivers)

Seeing that Kallus needs it more than him probably, Zeb tosses him the meteorite to warm himself up, much to the Agent's surprise!

Zeb: Here!

Agent Kallus: (Grunts) Huh?

Zeb: Warm yourself up...

But while Kallus appreciates it, he is losing that they will survive down with whatever creatures are in here, and how long they'll last with the meteorite's heat source due to the cold temperature's dropping by the minute!

Agent Kallus: You really think we'll survive, with whatever that is in there? Plus the temperature's dropping, and our only heat source is this thing... And who knows how long it'll last?

Zeb was surprised that Kallus was a quick one to give up hope so easily, before reminding him of what he said earlier!

Zeb: You're so quick to give up hope... Like I said, the transponder's working... My friends will find us!

Even if Kallus believed that, he pointed out that the both of them still have one small problem!

Agent Kallus: The transponder's signal will never get through the ice!

Zeb shrugged at the ice celling, see that the Agent probably had a good point... But like Kallus said earlier before they both crash landed on this Frozen Moon, Lasats never knew when to give up!

Zeb: Huh... Yeah, you're probably right! But Lasat never know when to give up, remember?

Luckily, Zeb came up with a Plan to get the signal through the Ice!

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