Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Three: A ride out of here.../Truths or Lies?

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On the Cliff, Kaitis and his Inquisitior Siblings were approaching the two Jedi slowly but very closely...  As Kanan struggled to keep his Apprentice from falling while he still held onto his ankle, he saw that Kaitis were closing in on them very fast, before telling Ezra that he needs him back up here!

Kanan: (Grunts) Ezra, I need you up here!

Ezra frowned as he tried his best to focus, trying to find them a ride out of him and get to Chopper!

Ezra: Hold on! I'm busy at the moment!

Slowly but gently, Ezra started to Force Connect with one of the Tibidees! As one of them made their way towards their location, the Fifth Brother attacked Kanan! Thinking quickly, Kanan launched Ezra into the air, while quickly blocking the Jedi Hunter's attack!

Ezra: Whoa! 

As Ezra falls through the air, just in time for Kanan to quickly grab his hand, saving from another fall!

Ezra: Whoa! Oof!

Kanan asked if Ezra to get up on three, as Ezra nodded knowing that he is ready now!

Kanan: Up on three?

Ezra: Fine! One...

Kanan: Two...

Both: Three!

Kanan launched Ezra across again in perfect Force Spin, leaving him to fight the boy Inquisitors while Kanan dealt with the Seventh Sister again! While he was doing so, Ezra refused to believe what Kaitis said was true!

Kaitis: There are good folk around here, who care about one another... I don't want 'em depending on someone they can't count on!

Ezra: Oh, like you? You've been keeping your so-called secret a private thought for who knows how long and even your own Sister and Parents before you killed them both don't even know about it either? Who's caring about only himself?!

Kaitis: It's best for everyone, Ezra...

Ezra: Best for everyone? Or best for you?

But before Kaitis could answer, Ezra sensed that their ride out was now here!

Ezra: I got us a ride... Come on!

The both of them both pushed all the Inquisitors back as they ran towards the Cliff, with Kanan disliking the plan a little bit!

Kanan: I don't like this...

Ezra told his Master to just be ready to jump, while Kanan thought that he was crazy!

Ezra: Just get ready to jump!

Kanan: Jump?! You're crazy!

Ezra: Now!

Kanan: (Screaming)

As the two of them jumped, Kaitis and the two Inquisiotrs watched in bewilderment at what the kid was up to! But to their surprise just then, a huge Tibidee flew above them all, carrying the two Jedi to safety above in the sky! As the flew on their friend, Kanan looked shocked at Ezra, before asking if this was Ezra's idea!

Kanan: This was you?!

Ezra shrugged at his Master, it was not a bad idea!

Ezra: Yeah! Not bad, huh?

Kaitis and the others watched as Chopper, who was steering the Phantom to their location opened the small Ramp for them!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan: (Chuckles) After you!

Ezra smiled, before thanking the Creature for the lift!

Ezra: Thanks for the lift...

Ezra leaps onto the Phantom with Kanan close behind before Chopper closed the door behind them! Kaitis frowned, as the Seventh Sister asked what they should do now!

Kaitis: (Sighs) So much for that plan...

Seventh Sister: Yeah, no kidding... (Sighs) Well, now what do we do to get Ezra to know that you're telling the truth!

Fifth Brother: Maybe we should let Ezra discover the truth to get him to understand that Kaitis isn't lying?

Seventh Sister: And who's gonna tell him the truth?!

Fifth Brother: You wanna try what we did back there when Ezra will only see our and Kaitis's answers as lies?! You know where the door is!

Kaitis sighed, as much as he hated to admit it, the Fifth Brother did have a good point for once!

Kaitis: (Sighs) As much as I hate to admit you guys, Fifth Brother may have a good point!

The both of them looked at each other, before Seventh Sister asked if he was completely sure about this!

Seventh Sister: Are you sure that you shouldn't go after him to just explain things with Ezra again?

Kaitis: Hmm-hmm... He's growing up now, Seventh Sister... Whether we all like it or not, Ezra Skywalker has to make his own decisions, and learn from his own mistakes...

As they all returned to their Ship to go back to Lothal for a while, the young Jedi Hunter's heart sank like a stone... For if someone else knew the real truth about Anakin's fate, there was no way that he can get Ezra to believe that he really was telling the truth about what happened that terrible night... Back on the Phantom, Chopper was still piloting the the Shuttle safely through Hyperspace as Ezra relaxed in one of the seats, that was a close one!

Ezra: Phew, that was a close one!

Kanan stared at his Lightsaber before looking out the Cockpit of the Hyperspace, another close one...

Kanan: Yeah, another close one...

Ezra opened his eyes as he saw that his Master was troubled by something, before asking Kanan what the problem was!

Ezra: What's wrong?

Kanan turned around to face the kid, explaining about how the Inquisitors pose a problem as long as the two of them are with the Rebellion while trying to find a Base! And it especially puts Hera and the others in danger!

Kanan: Everywhere we go we run into those guys, and I don't like it! If this keeps up, we'll never be able to help the rebels establish a base! At least not as long as we're with them...

Ezra frowned, seeing that Kanan had a point, before asking his Mentor what they were going to do about it!

Ezra: So, what are we gonna do about it?

Kanan shook his head, not sure are what they can do!

Kanan: I don't know... But it's endangering the whole squadron!

Ezra frowned as Kanan sat down by his shoulder side, knowing that Ezra is still affected by what Kaitis said back down there!

Kanan: Ezra... What is it?

Ezra sighed, explaining that he really doesn't know what to believe about Anakin's Fate anymore!

Ezra: (Sighs) Well... One part of me says that Kaitis is lying about what he just say earlier! But... Welll... I just don't know what to believe if Vader really is my Birth Father or not anymore!

Kanan frowned, agreeing that Ezra has every right to feel this way... Ezra wiped the tears away from his eyes, knowing that both of them need advice on this as well as some answers on what Kaitis told him!

Ezra: But... Even if Kaitis is telling the truth right now, we all need advice on how to protect Phoenix Squadron and so that I can know whether or not that Vader and Anakin are one in the same...

Kanan nodded with a smile, knowing who help the two of them well as Vos and Eldra!

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