Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Real Birthday\A Real Family...

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One beautiful afternoon on Lothal, Kanan had woken up early to make a very special surprise for Ezra. Ever since he had learned that Ezra's Birthday was on Empire Day, Kanan was determined to give his student the best Birthday ever! Right now, Kanan was putting the finishing touches on Ezra's Birthday Cake, while Zeb, Hera, and Chopper had already their Birthday Presents for Ezra on the table! Sabine soon came into the room with her own Birthday Present when she saw Kanan putting the icing on the Cake... After finishing with it and putting it down, Kanan pulled out his own Birthday Present for the kid from under the table. Sabine smiled before she put his Present with the others!

Sabine: So what did you get Ezra for his Birthday, Kanan?

Kanan simply smiled at the box, before turning to Sabine...

Kanan: You'll see...

Just then, Hera, Chopper, and Zeb had just entered with Birthday Boy himself! Zeb had his paws over the kid's eyes with a big smile, as he and the others entered the room! Ezra sighed, wondering what the big surprise is about!

Ezra: Alright, Zeb... Me being blindfolded isn't about me and my Jedi training again, again is it?

Zeb and Kanan snickered, not even close!

Zeb: Relax kid, this isn't about Jedi Training... Okay, you can open 'em up!

Zeb excitedly removed his paws from Ezra's eyes, before opening 'em up! The young boy gasped in awe at the Cake, the Presents, and even all of the Decorations!

Ezra: Uh, guys? What's with all of the Decorations?

Both Kanan and Hera approached the young boy with mysterious a smile!

Kanan: We know that you haven't an real happy Birthday since you were 10 Years old and that it's a little late since Empire Day was weeks ago, but...

Hera: Kanan and I thought that you deserved one after everything that you have been through the last few days that you earned a real actual one!

Ezra smiles a little, before sitting down next to Kanan... Hera decided that he should open hers and Chopper's present first!

Hera: Presents first... This one is from both Chopper and me!

Ezra opens the present from both of them to see a pair of flight goggles and a flight suit as well! Chopper just places a little robotic hand on Ezra's leg, making the kid giggle a little bit!

Ezra: (Giggles)

Hera smiled gently at the affection between the two of them before speaking up!

Hera: Chop and I figured that you might need something of flight material before I teach you how to fly the Ghost!

Ezra smiled at the gift before embracing Hera!

Ezra: Thanks...

Ezra smiles before he turns excitedly to Zeb before he hands Ezra his gift, the young boy takes the gift and opens it... Zeb's gift for him was actually an orange Lothalcat plush toy! Ezra smiled with tears of joy, recognizing it as an old birthday present that his Adoptive parents gave to him when he was only Six Years old, the last birthday that he had with them before Kaitis and the Empire took them away from him... Zeb saw the kid's shocked expression before sitting down, trying to explain to the kid how he got it!

Zeb: I found it earlier the other day at your old house and wanted to give it to you earlier, but there was so much going on and you were distracted and... Oaf! (Grunts a little when he realizes that Ezra is hugging him... Zeb smiles before he hugs Ezra back, embracing the boy who is like a Little Brother to him!)

Ezra smiled with tears of peace in his eyes, before softly whispering...

Ezra: Thank you...

The young boy pulls back from the hug before wiping his tears away from his eyes, as Sabine gives Ezra her present!

Sabine: I know that in the past our ancestors might have been enemies, but it's the thought that counts!

Ezra opens the gift to find some Mandalore vambraces, much to Ezra's shock!

Ezra: Wow... Wait a minute, Mandalore Vambraces?! Sabine, where did you get these?!

Sabine: Special delivery!

Kanan simply chuckles at Sabine's answer, before the of them asked Ezra to try them on!

Kanan: Well, what are you waiting for? 

Sabine: Try them on!

Ezra puts the Vambraces on his arms, as Sabine smiles in awe at her little brother figure's change in Mandalore tradition! The kid admires himself for a minute before shrugging at Sabine, smiling a little bit...

Ezra: So... Heh... How do I look?

Sabine smirks, different but like his status as a Jedi, that seems about right for Ezra!

Sabine: Well, it's different... But that seems about right for you!

Kanan smiles at that remark, knowing how true that was before he opens up his present for Ezra! The young is shocked when he sees what is in the box: It's Adoptive papers that are already signed, with both Kanan and Hera's names on them! Ezra looked at the Adoptive papers in awe as Kanan speaks up!

Kanan: Will you be my Adoptive son for real, Ezra Skywalker?

Ezra's blue eyes glowed with tears of joy, before happily embracing Kanan!

Ezra: Yes... Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes...

Kanan is shocked at first but smiles and hugs him back before the kid steps back a little, feeling peace about his birthday for the first time in 5 Years!

Ezra: You know I've been thinking... Becoming a Jedi Knight and learning the real truth about Anakin's fate no matter what Kaitis says won't be so bad, so long as I get to do it with you...

Kanan smiles as he strokes Ezra's cheek, glad that he has Ezra as a Padawan...

Kanan: Happy first real Birthday, Ezra Skywalker... Make a wish!

Hera holds out the Blue Velvet Cake as Ezra blows out the candles, knowing that he feels like the luckiest Jedi Youngling in the Galaxy! But little did the young boy know, Kaitis was going to someone who was capable of helping him and his Master destroy what little light remains of their bond...

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