Chapter One Hundred and One: Meeting a new friend... It's a start!

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On the Havok outpost, the Shadow Caster had just landed on one of the landing pads... Kestu and Ezra stood back as Sabine and Chopper delievered EG-86 to R2-D2, and his mysterious agent!

R2-D2: (R2-D2 Beeping)

EG-86: (Droid Grunting)

Sabine: You can report to Senator Organa that his intel has arrived safe and sound!

Princess Leia: He'll be glad to hear it! Isn't that right, R2?

As EG-86 is escorted back to her ship, Chopper and R2 beeped nicely at each other!

EG-86: (Droid Grunting)

R2-D2: (Beeping)

Chopper: (Grunting)

Kestu smiled, it's time to get Ezra, Chopper, and Sabine home!

Kestu: Come on! Let's get you three home...

Sabine couldn't agree more right now!

Sabine: I couldn't agree more, old friend... I've had more than enough adventure for a lifetime, let alone one day...

As Sabine, Kestu, and Chopper got back on the Shadow Caster, Ezra felt a special connection with the young girl even though he didn't know her name...

Ezra: Oh! Hey, what was your name again?

Shocked at the question, Leia answered with a gentle smile!

Princess Leia: Huh? (Smiles) Princess Leia Organa, and yours?

Ezra: The name's Ezra! Alright, see you and R2 around!

As the Shadow Caster begins to leave, Ezra waves goodbye to the Princess from the ramp before getting inside just as it closes... Shocked but happy, Leia returns the gesture just as the Shadow Caster leaves... Leia smiled, knowing that she has not seen seen the last of him... Above the Havok outpost, Sabine and Kestu is curious about Ezra's new friend...

Kestu: Make a new friend?

Ezra: Yeah... She's different but sweet... I like her!

Sabine: Think that's the last we've seen of her?

Ezra smiled, not at all and he's glad!

Ezra: No, and I'm glad...

Later that evening back on Garel as the Shadow Caster arrived, Kanan and Hera were both walking to greet the others... Hera was bit worried that Kestu and Sabine were now friends again, knowing that the last they heard from Ezra, the two of them were gonna shoot each other!

Hera: So this is really happening? Eh, last they heard from these two, they were gonna shoot each other!

Kanan frowned, remembering when she was smuggling weapons as a kid when she met Omega and the others!

Kanan: If I'm not mistaken, when Hunter first met you, you were stealing from the Empire by smuggling weapons...

Hera puts a hand up to protest that, but stops... Kanan did have a good point!

Hera: Guess I was kind of asking for that one... 

Sabine and Ezra: Kind of?

Sabine and Ezra approached them along with Chopper and Kestu, as Hera congratulated Sabine on her mission and thanked Kestu for helping her and the others!

Hera: Congratulations on a successful mission... Thank you for helping our cause!

Kestu knew that it was mostly an accident, she still wasn't ready for full-on fight with the Empire just yet!

Kestu: Well, it was mostly an accident... I'm not sure I'm ready for a full-on fight with the Empire just yet!

Hera shrugged before she and Chopper left, no one ever really is!

Hera: No one ever is...

As Hera and Chopper left, Sabine wanted to have a moment alone with Kestu!

Sabine: Kanan, can I get a moment here?

Kanan: Sure!

Ezra frowned, that's not what she meant!

Ezra: Ahem!

Kanan: Oh! Uh, you mean, you two, uh... A moment, right!

Ezra rolled his eyes, before dragging Kanan away from the girls! 

Kanan: Um, I'll just be over there! Whoa there! Guess I was kind of asking for that one!

Ezra: Kind of?

As the two of them left the girls alone, Sabine wanted to thank Kestu for helping Ezra rescue her from being killed on that Shuttle when she could've done so and made a good profit with the droids!

Sabine: You could've left me on that shuttle, taken Ezra and the droids and made a good profit!

Kestu shrugged, it is only just money!

Kestu: It's only money...

Sabine: Thank you...

Kestu: It must be nice to have people backing you up... I had that once, when we were friends! Haven't had that since...

Sabine: Look, if you think you'd want to help us out, make a difference, just let us know!

Kestu and Sabine shook each other's hands, she'll think about it for now!

Kestu: I'll think about it...

Sabine smiled, it's a start...

Sabine: Heh... That's a start!

As the Shadow Caster left Garel, Ezra smiled at Sabine before asking if that's the last they've seen of her!

Ezra: Think that's the last we've seen of her?

Sabine: No, and I'm glad...

The two of them smiled at each other... Ezra knew that just Kestu was with Sabine, Kanan was with Rex and the way Crosshair was with Omega and the others, he also knew that Kaitis's decision to stay away from him and Eldra and to stay with Empire was his own choice... Even though he won't tell why he believes Anakin is evil, Ezra has to respect his decision and to let come clean with his feelings and let him come back in his own time...

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