Chapter Ninety-Six: Finding the courier.../Ketsu Onyo enters!

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As Ezra walked with his friends, he was still surprised at his Rebel sister figure being a leader since the kid always figured Sabine for a loner ever since he has known her!

Ezra: Leader, huh? Always figured you for a loner!

Sabine shrugged, not always!

Sabine: Not always!

Ezra found that hard to believe, as he listed some of the reasons why he believed Sabine to be a loner!

Ezra: You sure make it seem that way... You spend a lot of time in your room, alone! And, uh, you actually tend to eat alone! Sometimes... And combat practice alone... And go off probably
to be alone! And, uh, I don't know... I guess sometimes, you know, I'll find you alone... After I've, maybe, followed you, and... You're angry and I've heard you say more than once, "I want to be alone!" But... Actually, I've heard you say quite often, just straight, "Leave me alone..."

Sabine smirked fondly at Ezra's chattering, seeing her Rebel brother talk about his reasons for believing her to be a lone wolf! 

Ezra: (Chattering)

Suddenly, Sabine took her helmet off when she saw a paint mark, and it was not her handy work at all! In fact, she hasn't seen this symbol since her old friend/partner left her... Ezra stopped his chattering, seeing Sabine touch the paint job that wasn't hers!

Ezra: Hmm, okay...Uh, what is that?

Sabine shook it off before putting her helmet back on, knowing that her old friend probably isn't even here!

Sabine: Nothing...

Ezra shrugged before they continued walking to try and find the courier! In Bay 22, the Shuttle that is supposed to have the courier onboard has arrived!

Man (On Speaker): Garel Shuttle 3765 from Coruscant has arrived in Bay 22!

Ezra: So how do we find this courier?

Sabine: The code phrase is, "It's a long way to Alderaan!"

Ezra nods, he's got this!

Ezra: I think it's this guy! Hey. It's a long way to Alderaan...

Ezra sees that it's not gonna be easy as he thought it was before he tries again and again!

Ezra: Okay... It's a long way to Alderaan... It's a long way to Alderaan...

Sabine sighed, knowing that this is going to be way tougher than either of them thought it was before she tries to help Ezra!

Sabine: (Sighs) It's a long way to Alderaan...

Ezra: It's a long way to Alderaan...

Later that day, Ezra was sitting down on Gonk Droid, they still haven't found the courier, and the Hanger that they were in was now closing!

Man (On Speaker): Hangar 22 is now closed!

Ezra sighed, knowing that it's gonna be a long way back to the Ghost if they miss the courier!

Ezra: It's gonna be a long way back to the Ghost if we miss the courier!

Sabine shook her head, that's impossible!

Sabine: We couldn't have... Hera had confirmation that he boarded the shuttle! Are you sure you were saying the code phrase right?

Ezra sighed, of course he was! He's been saying that almost the whole entire day!

Ezra: Yes, yes... It's a long way to Alderaan!

Suddenly, the droid that he is sitting on activates, causing Ezra to jump off it in alarm!

Ezra: Whoa!

Unit EG-86: (Droid Grunting)

Ezra: What's the matter with this thing?!

Sabine realized that droid was the courier that they were looking for the whole day!

Sabine: Wait a minute... That is the courier!

Unit EG-86: (Droid Grunting)

Sabine reads the number on the Droid unit, before explaining why he kept such a low profile this entire time!

Sabine: Talk about a low profile... He came in with the cargo payload! He's unit EG-86!

Ezra: Nice to meet you, EG!

EG-86: (Droid Grunting)

Ezra was shocked to know that a binary box brain would be hiding such important information while Sabine knew better!

Ezra: I don't get why they'd hide such important information in this binary box brain!

Sabine: Well, would you suspect that thing of being a spy full of secrets?

Ezra shrugged, seeing that Sabine makes a good point!

Ezra: Mmm, no... I guess not!

But before the four of them could board a shuttle to get the Gonky Droid to the rendezvous point and before the Stormtroopers showed up, a very unwelcoming voice spoke up, and it wasn't a Stormtrooper's voice this time!

???: That's too bad... Because I would!

A woman with a bounty helmet approached them, making Sabine realize that was her old friend's paint job marking back there...

Sabine: Oh fantastic, Ketsu Onyo!

Ezra, Gonky, and Chopper stood back, knowing that this can't be good!

Ezra: Well, this can't be good!

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