Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four: Proved right!/Always trust your instincts!

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Back in space on the Ghost, Hera and the others were sitting in the Cockpit, with Sabine after she finally took her Helmet off, since she was safe from the Toxic Gas now! Just then, Ezra, who was happy to be reunited with his Fellow Crew Members back on the Ghost, entered with his Master, after they both had taken their Helmets off as well! Ezra had just finished explaining to Kanan what happened with him and the Purrgil King after he fell off the Cannon earlier!

Ezra: It wasn't like anything I've ever experienced... I could see what they were thinking!

Kanan frowned, realizing that Ezra must have established a deep connection with them while they saved him from mere Death of asphyxiation back there!

Kanan: You must have established a deep connection with them!

Ezra agreed before he explained why the Purrgil were after the Gas as well!

Ezra: I guess so... I could see they need gas to breathe and travel! The crater wasn't their home, just one stop on a long journey...

Zeb was curious, asking if that was why they have changed from Brown and Gray back to blue-purple, Gray, and even yellow!

Zeb: Is that why they're changing back from Brown and Gray back to their original Colours?

Ezra: Yep! Because they were depleted of the Clouzon-36 that was down there!

Kanan: You learn something new every day!

Ezra: (Chuckling)

Zeb: Ha, ha, real funny!

Hera shook her head at Kanan and the boys before turning her head and attention to the Cockpit's window View, knowing that they never would have gotten off the ground without the Purrgil!

Hera: I have to admit, without the help of the Purrgil, we never would have gotten off the ground again...

Suddenly, Sabine and Ezra both saw all the Purrgil glowing!

Sabine: Look...

Everyone looked at the Creatures in amazement as both Hera and Ezra looked at each other, could the stories about them and light-speed travel be true?

Hera: Can it be?

Just then, every single one of the Purrgil jumped into hyperspace, much to Ezra's amazement, making him realize that the stories that Hera heard were really true!

Ezra: It is true... They can travel through hyperspace!

Kanan chuckled a little bit, knowing that they should get moving too!

Kanan: We better get moving, too!

Sabine looked at Hera, asking if they should head back to the Fleet now!

Sabine: Back to the fleet?

Hera smiled at her, she had a better idea since she had now overcome her personal animosity!

Hera: How 'bout we follow the Purrgil?

Everyone smiled at that suggestion as Hera made the jump to hyperspace! As they travelled through light speed, Kanan apologized to Ezra about how Hera's issues made him lose faith in them, himself, and his instincts!

Kanan: Ezra... I'm sorry we made you like we wouldn't listen to you about the Purrgil earlier... You were right!

Ezra smiled, knowing that he didn't have to apologize... The next time that he has a hunch about something, he won't back down that easily!

Ezra: I know... And you don't have to apologize, Kanan... The next time that I have a hunch about something, I won't back down so easily!

Hera smirked at Ezra, he better not next time!

Hera: (Scoffs) You better not!

Kanan placed a proud hand on Ezra's shoulder, reassuring him that the next time Ezra says that something is up, he and the others will believe and listen to him!

Kanan: And the next time you say that something is up and you say to trust both you and your instincts, we'll listen to you and believe you next time!

Ezra smiled as he placed his hand over Kanan's, hearing him loud and clear!

Ezra: I hear you loud and clear, Master!

The two of them shared a small hug, knowing that they will always be a Team! As they continued their trip through hyperspace, Ezra smiled at his Secret Family Locket... He may not know what's next in store for him in his Quest for the Truth, but no matter what happens... He knows that he will not have to face it alone!

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