Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Deal to save Kanan/A Favour in Return...

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Meanwhile, back on Lothal, Sabine had just landed the Phantom where Vizago surely works! Zeb still thought that going to Vizago of all people was a terrible idea!

Zeb: Trust me when I say Sabine, doing what Hera suggested is a terrible plan!

Ezra: What other choice do we have, buddy?

Sabine: The kid has a point, Zeb!

Ezra: But remember what Sabine said: Vizago probably won't believe us if we tell him that Kanan is a Jedi like I am, so let me do all the talking, Sabine! And don't let Zeb say anything to get on his bad side!

Sabine: Never crossed my mind!

Zeb: (Sighs) Fine... But mark my words: This will not only end badly, but I am so gonna regret this!

The three of them exited the Ship, where they found Vizago working! He paused when he saw Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb!

Vizago: Well, this is unexpected... Looking for work? Or something else?

Ezra folded his arms, Vizago knows perfectly well already why he and his friends are here!

Ezra: My guess is you already know why we're here...

Vizago shook his head, he is truly sorry about Kanan's capture even though they didn't always agree on everything!

Vizago: I don't know where your friend is, I'm sorry...

Ezra narrows his eyes, he highly doubts that!

Ezra: You must have heard something!

Vizago: Even if I did know something, it would be of no use to you... The Empire is locking everything down, that's bad for you and bad for business!

Ezra: Well, if you want to change that, you need to help us!

Vizago laughed before shoving Ezra's shoulders roughfully telling him to get out of here!

Vizago: I doubt that! In fact, I think your activities got the Empire's attention and have made things more difficult for me! Get out of here, you're bad luck!

Ezra steps back in shock from the roughness before he turns to Sabine, who nods her head yes, knowing that Kanan's life was at stake... As Vizago walked away, Ezra knew that it was now or never!

Ezra: Ever wonder why the Empire was so interested in Kanan, why they'd send an Inquisitor to Lothal?

Knowing that the kid is doing what Hera suggested if Vizago didn't listen, Zeb tried to stop what Ezra was about to do!

Zeb: Ezra, don't!

Sabine held her hand out in front of Zeb, knowing that this is Ezra's mission!

Sabine: Look, remember what Hera said, Zeb! For Kanan...

Zeb: (Sighs) Fine!

Vizago turned around, Ezra obviously got his attention now!

Vizago: No, please do...

Ezra took a deep breath before saying the truth about why the Empire had been so interested in Kanan!

Ezra: Because Kanan is a Jedi!

Vizago was shocked by that revelation but quickly laughs it off, thinking that Ezra's being funny!

Vizago: Kanan? A Jedi? You're funny, kid! That scoundrel couldn't be a Jedi any more than you could!

However, Ezra completely ignored what Vizago was saying before using the Force to lift a crate before he holds it high above Vizago's head, causing the smuggler to cover and cover his head! Seeing that he has made his point, Ezra smirked before he Force dropped the crate next to Vizago! The smuggler sat up a little bit in shock, while Zeb and Sabine smiled proudly at Ezra!

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