Chapter Twelve: The Hunt for The Truth and A New Sith Begins.

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Sabine was shocked but regained her posture before speaking up!

Sabine: Well... What do you wanna know about your real family?

Ezra fiddles with his secret family locket for a moment before speaking up!

Ezra: What do you know about my Dad?

Zeb is shocked before he pulls the others behind a rock just in case the Empire were spying on them, before turning to Ezra!

Zeb: What do you know about Dad?

Ezra: Master Kenobi just told me and my adoptive family that he was... Gone! The only thing that I have of him is this picture that Eldra helped me make! (Shows them the Locket. It shows a picture of Ezra's real Father, Mother, a younger version of him, and his Twin Siblings!) I've been looking into him for years, but there's nothing. No photos. No records. No one even talks about him!

Sabine looks at the Locket, thinking that he was killed just like Kanan's master was!

Sabine: Well... Maybe he was killed during Order 66?

Ezra: Highly unlikely, Sabine. If he was, Kanan would have felt it or seen his name on the list of the Jedi Warriors that were killed the night that I was born!

Zeb steps up, knowing that Ezra makes a good point!

Zeb: You know I really hate saying this Sabine, but Ezra's right. Kanan would've sensed it or seen his name on the list of those that were killed on that terrible night... Bad things happen to people who ask about Anakin Skywalker! 

Ezra looks at his locket, remembering Kanan's advice from earlier...

Kanan: We're not going anywhere, Ezra... You're stuck with us for the long run! Got it? If this is where you want to be, then this is where you'll stay...

Realizing that his master's right, Ezra turns to Sabine for some advice!

Ezra: So who are we gonna ask?

Sabines grins, knowing just the place to look! Later, the three of them arrived at a hidden Library behind the Lothalian rocks!

Ezra: Wow... Sabine, exactly what is this place?

Sabine: The private Library of the Skywalker Family! If there's any info about your Dad, it's in here! (Knocks on the hidden Door, revealing Mr. Sumer!)

Mr. Sumer: Oh! Hey there, Sabine, Zeb... I thought that the Empire said to you guys that the special archives of the Skywalker family are strictly off-limits!

Zeb points to Ezra before the man could close the door!

Zeb: Except for his family... Ezra Skywalker!

Mr. Sumer recoginzed the youngest child of Anakin and his friend's adopted son! 

Mr. Sumer: Ezra! Oh, look how much you've grown! Please, the three of you, come in!

As Mr. Sumer and his wife led them to a special part of the Library, Zeb stays behind to talk to Ezra!

Zeb: He and his wife are friends of yours?

Ezra: Of my adopted parents!

Mr. Sumer's voice gets Ezra's attention!

Mr. Sumer: So... What brings you three this far on Lothal?

Ezra looks at his secret family Locket, remembering what Zeb had said a few days ago...

Zeb: Kanan's right, Sabine... He's been on his own without real actual family for so long, you've got to get him time to figure out who he is and how he fits into this family!

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