Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Four: Two uncertain Jedi.../A Jedi Temple?

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Finally, Ezra and Kanan returned to meet up with the rest of the Ghost Crew, but they met each other in space without the rest of Phoenix Squadron, so that it would not further endanger or threaten the rest of the Fleet! Ezra climbed the Ladder, where he saw Zeb, Hera, Quinlan Vos, and Eldra were waiting for them in the Common Room! Hera was glad that the two of them seemed fine, before asking how the Phantom was!

Hera: Well, you two seem fine... How's The Phantom?

Ezra shrugged as Kanan climbed down the Ladder as well, telling the Pilot to ask Chopper since the Droid was the one that was flying it this time!

Ezra: I don't know... Chopper was flying!

Hera rolled his eyes as Quinlan chuckled, oh boy!

Hera: Oh, boy!

Quinlan Vos: (Chuckling)

As he repaired his Bo-Rifle, Zeb asked Ezra if he and Kanan had found a base for them yet!

Zeb: So, kid, you find us a base yet?

Ezra shook his head no, only finding their usual Inquisitor friends!

Ezra: No, but we did find Three Inquisitors!

Zeb shrugged as he returned to his work, knowing that is nothing new!

Zeb: Oh, that's nothing new...

Quinlan led Ezra to Kanan's Cabin, where their missing Jedi friend was waiting for the both of them!

Quinlan Vos: She's waiting for you...

As both her Master and her Adoptive little Brother left the room, Eldra stayed behind to talk to Kanan along with Hera, who was just as confused as Eldra was on why the Jedi have them meet both him and Ezra out here far away from the Fleet!

Hera: Why did you have us meet you out here away from the fleet?

Kanan frowned, knowing that it was safer this way... He could barely protect Ezra then he could protect his friends, before he told Eldra what Kaitis had told them back on their mission about his experience with Order 66 and Anakin's true fate...

Kanan: It's safer this way... Eldra, when the two of us were facing Kaitis and the Two Inquisitors, he revealed that the reasons he hates Ezra so much is because he saw Anakin striking his Master down, before his assumed fall to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader!

Eldra frowned, knowing that Ezra is conflicted right now before giving Kanan some advice that he cannot fight or protect Ezra forever, not even from himself if what Kaitis said was really true!

Eldra: Even I believed that before I get it from someone else knows the real truth that isn't a Dark User, and I most certainly don't! You cannot fight forever, Kanan... You can't protect Ezra forever! In fact, if Kaitis's story is true, you can't even protect him from himself... All you can do is what you have done, train him the best you could like our own Masters did with us!

As Eldra left, Kanan frowned, refusing to let his Student become an Agent of Evil like the others have! Meanwhile, back in his Master's Cabin, Ezra and Quinlan both found that Ahsoka was mediating while she was watching an holographic recording of Anakin's training lessons! Ezra's eyes softened, as he took a Seat on the other side of Ahsoka, as the three of them listened to Anakin's training lesson!

Anakin(Hologram Recording): Keeping your saber moving is key to deflecting the fire of multiple adversaries! Fluid motion, one into the next, into the next, and so on... I've made some adjustments to the classic Form IV techniques that I think you'll find work well against droids and other ranged attackers... Here, I'll show you! One, two, three...

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