Chapter Seventy-One: Ahsoka's advice/Wisdom about helping a friend in need...

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Back on the Phantom, Ahsoka and Kanan were talking to Hera over the hologram! The two of them had told the Pilot what she had missed, especially the Clones and Eldra's old Master!

Hera: Nice Clones and Eldra's long lost Master, huh? You and Ezra are always full of surprises, Ahsoka...

Ahsoka giggled a little bit before Kanan spoke up!

Ahsoka: (Giggling)

Kanan: Well, don't get your hopes up... The great Jedi leader is probably not coming back with us!

Hera could see the fear and sadness that Kanan's eyes held for Ezra, she could tell that the Jedi was afraid of losing his Padawan the same exact way that he lost his Master when he was little...

Hera: And you don't want Rex to either, right?

Ahsoka placed a worried hand on her old friend's shoulder, her voice held the same concern for Kanan as Hera and Ezra did!

Ahsoka: Hey, are you okay? And don't tell me that it's nothing like you told the kid earlier... Ezra told me that he's known you guys for almost a year, Kanan! He can tell when something is bothering one of you as much as Eldra and I can...

Hera smirked, of course they can!

Hera: Of course you guys can! Love, are you alright? Because... Normally bottling up our emotions about something that bothers you are usually, you know... Kind of Ezra's thing!

Ahsoka saw the troubled look on Kanan's face, as the Ex-Jedi chose her next words carefully!

Ahsoka: What is it? You've been acting strange all day! Does it... Does it have something to do with Order 66?

Kanan shushed her, not wanting Ezra to hear them!

Kanan: Shhhh, don't say it so loud! Do you want the kid to hear you?! (Sighs) But yeah... The last time that I trusted Clones like Grey and Styles, they killed my Master... She fought alongside them for Years 16 and they gunned her down in a second on Kaller... She told me to run, run while she held them off! I obeyed, while she was killed by the people that I trusted for years... Even after Hunter helped me escape that night, I always hated myself for running that night... I always saw myself as a coward for abandoning her that day... (Sighs) I guess it still haunts me!

Ahsoka sighed, understanding that the war has left its scars on a lot of people... And Kanan and his personal fear over losing Ezra to them was no expection!

Ahsoka: I'm sorry... Wait... Is that why you pulled out your lightsaber earlier to protect Ezra when you saw Rex and the Clones?

Kanan nods before Ahsoka explains her and Rex's experience with Order 66!

Ahsoka: I know how that feels... We were on our way from Mandalore and were returning to Coruscant to deliver Darth Maul to the Jedi Council when my bond with Anakin broke, just as Order 66 came through... But Rex fought it back as much as he could before he told me to run until I could remove his chip, thanks to his friend Fives, an old Clone friend who died after I left the Jedi Order... Jessie and all my other Clone friends were not so lucky, but...

Hera nods, knowing what kind of person she was with her Clone friends!

Hera: But you wouldn't be the one who was going to kill them, is that right?

Ahsoka nodded, explaining how Ezra got one of her old lightsabers!

Ahsoka: After Jessie found out what was going on, he accusesd Rex of treason! But me and him were lucky enough to escape the ship with our lives before it crashed... After that, we buried all of them... One of my lightsabers was taken by Vader before he sold it to Minister Tua on Lothal in a junk pile, where  Eldra found it and then gave it to Ezra as a birthday present for his 6th Birthday! The other one I left behind with the buried Clones... It still haunts Rex... (Sighs) We all had a choice...

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