Chapter One Hundred and Fifty: Next stop, the Refinery!/Meet Yushyn!

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Later, the Ghost's Computers had picked something up and Sabine was having a briefing with the others in the Cockpit!

Sabine: Scanners are picking up an energy source from that planetoid ahead...

Hera frowned, before asking Sabine if it was the refinery!

Hera: You think it's the refinery?

Sabine shrugged, they were about to find out!

Sabine: We're about to find out!

She brings up the hologram, proving that it was the refinery!

Sabine: There it is... The refinery!

Kanan turned to Ezra, confused as to why the Purrgils would be headed that way!

Kanan: I wonder why the Purrgils are headed that way...

Ezra shrugged, knowing that he'll figure it out later!

Ezra: I'll figure that out later... In the meantime, it does have a positive side that works out for us! Between them and all these asteroids, the Mining Guild will never see us coming!

Hera nodded, trusting Ezra to handle this one! Just then, Zeb came in with even more bad news!

Zeb: The automatic doors aren't so automatic anymore! I've rationed what energy we have left...

Ezra sighed If they were going to get Supplies, then they had to do it now!

Ezra: What's your next move, Hera?

Seeing that Ezra could handle the Purrgil himself, Hera explained the problem!

Hera: I want to get a secure position to plan our attack... Sabine, Chopper, ready a short, controlled burst from the engines!

Sabine and Chopper don't waste any time in doing so!

Hera: In three, two, one...Now!

Seeing that they are close to the landing Platform with limited resources, Zeb wants to know how they're gonna pull this off!

Zeb: Okay... So how exactly are we gonna pull off this raid with our limited resources?

Sabine rolled her eyes, give her a second to think before she told him!

Sabine: Well, give me a second and I'll tell you...

She and Hera saw that there was bad news, more TIE Fighters and an Anti-Ship Cannon! But there was also the Empire's Shipment, which is just what they need for Fuel Supplies!

Hera: Okay... More fighters! That's not good...

Sabine: Anti-ship cannon, also not good! But... There's the Empire's shipment!

Zeb suggests dropping down there before they scoop the Supplies up and going, but Kanan thinks that's a terrible idea!

Zeb: Okay, lots of guards around, but I think we can drop down there, scoop it up and go...

Kanan: Forget the scoop job!

Ezra knows that they have just barely enough fuel to get down there, they have to land now!

Ezra: Kanan's right, Zeb! We have just barely enough fuel to get down there... We'll have to land!

Zeb didn't think that was a great plan, since the Fighters that were there would just try and blast them all to bits if they tried to refuel on the Platform!

Zeb: Refuel on the platform? They'll blast us to bits!

Ezra frowned at that remark before he turned to Sabine, knowing that they needed a diversion!

Ezra: (Groans) Good point... Zeb's right, we need a diversion!

Sabine smiled, way ahead of him!

Sabine: I've got one... The gas in that pool is unrefined Clouzon-36! Highly explosive in its pure form... We drop in a few charges, the blast will provide all the diversion we need!

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