Chapter Eighty-Eight: Losing more pilots.../Hera's mission to Shantipole?

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In space, Hera and the others were doing a mission to help some people from Ibaar, who were very low on rations, no thanks to the Empire! A citizen was contacting Hera and the others about how bad things have gotten for them here on Ibaar...

Ibaar Citizen: The Empire has doubled our work quotas and cut our rations... Without your food drop, the weakest among us will starve! 

Hera: Stay strong, my friend... We'll be there soon!

Ibaar Citizen: You have our deepest gratitude, Phoenix Squadron! Our underground network is standing by at the drop zone to distribute...

Kanan and Hera saw that the transmission was being jammed, knowing that the Empire had come to welcome them!

Hera: The transmission is being jammed...

Kanan: Looks like the Empire came out to welcome us!

True to their word, they saw that it was Agent Kallus who answered them instead of Kaitis this time!

Agent Kallus: Attention, rebel convoy... This system is under Imperial control... Stand down or be destroyed!

Zeb: What a surprise... Agent Kallus!

Hera: I'll give him this, he's persistent!

Kaitis: Give us the Jedi kid and I might let the rest of you live and let the people of Ibaar survive by giving them the food back before we doubled their work quotas!

Kanan frowned, handing his kid over to the two of them as the two possible Inquisitor siblings that Hunter, Rex, Crosshair, and Ezra had warned him about?! Not happening!

Kanan: Run from that creep abandon those people and hand Ezra over to those Inquisitor siblings?! I don't think so, ISB Agent bucket head! The Jedi kid has a name, Ezra! And he stays with us!

Hera knows that now is a good time to start the mission!

Hera: Phoenix Leader, your pilots ready?

Phoenix Leader: As ready as we'll ever be, Captain Syndulla! All fighters, attack formation!

But Kaitis sees what they're up to, and is already deploying the TIE Fighters!

Kaitis: Deploying fighters!

Hera: Just handle those TIEs, Phoenix Leader!

Phoenix Leader: We'll cover you, Ghost! Start your run...

The Ghost Crew does so, as they do their best to stay on target!

Hera: Zeb, bandit at 270!

Zeb: I see him! Karabast!

Hera: Ezra, coming in at point three! Kanan, two marks at 185!

The Ghost Crew is doing their very best, but Transport 1 is taking a lot of heavy fire!

Transport Leader: This is Transport 1. We're taking heavy fire!

Hera: Stay on course, Transport 1!

Kallus saw what the transport is trying to do, but Kaitis wasn't worried!

Agent Kallus: Concentrate your fire on that transport!

Kaitis: Relax, that cargo will not get past us!

Transport Leader: Losing forward deflectors! We're almost through!

But the Empire's is too much for Phoenix Leader and the Transport to handle!

Transport Leader: We're not gonna make it! We're not gonna make it! No!

Phoenix Leader: Captain Syndulla! 

Hera: No!

Phoenix Leader: We lost the transport... We lost the transport... All ships, abort! Abort! We have to get out of here!

After losing the Transport and Phoenix Leader, Hera know that they needed to get out of here!

Hera: We lost Phoenix Leader! And they're cutting us to pieces!

Sato agreed they had to leave now, before they lose any more Pilots or transports!

Commander Sato: Set heading Sector 267! All ships, jump now!

Luckily, they managed to get away, but Kanan knew that they need another way to help the people of Ibaar since they know that Sato's entire Fleet is no match for that blockade! In the briefing room, Sato the Ghost Crew, and many others were trying to figure out what to do about the mission with only two remaining transports!

Hera: We must finish this mission... If we try again with our two remaining transports I know I can get at least one through!

Kanan: But we don't have much time... The people of Ibaar won't last another rotation without our help!

Commander Sato: I agree we must try, but our entire fleet is no match for that blockade!

Ezra turned to Rex, knowing that he is the expert in alternative plans!

Ezra: You got an idea, Rex?

Luckily, there is one alternative plan that just might work!

Captain Rex: There is an alternative... I've been in contact with an engineer who has no love for the Empire and who claims to have built a prototype heavy assault starfighter, a blockade buster!

Zeb: What's the problem? Let's get it!

Rex knew that it wasn't that simple!

Captain Rex: Shipmaster Quarrie will only discuss his ship in person... On the planet Shantipole!

Sabine and Ezra sighed, they both knew that for every pilot in the galaxy that Shantipole is a one-way trip!

Sabine: Shantipole?

Ezra: But every pilot in the galaxy knows that's a one-way trip!

Kanan was already way ahead of the kids, Hera will go!

Kanan: Hera will go!

But Hera is a little bit nervous, knowing that she has to lead the next run on the blockade!

Hera: Kanan, no! I... I've got to lead the next run on the blockade...

Ezra rolled his eyes, what other choice do they have?

Ezra: Hera, with all due respect, what other choice do we have against the blockade and with the people of Ibaar will starve without food rations!

Hunter and Omega both agreed with Ezra, knowing that they have to take this blockbade problem seriously!

Hunter: I'm with Ezra!

Omega: Hunter and the kid are right, Hera... We have to take this blockade problem seriously! And you're the best experienced pilot that we know or got right now...

Kanan agreed, he also knows that Hera is the only one who will volunteer to go!

Kanan: If that fighter gives us a better chance to help Ibaar, we have to get it... And no one else is volunteering to go, but I know you will!

As much as Rex hates to admit it, Kanan has got a point!

Captain Rex: (Sighs) Sadly as much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Kanan!

Kanan and Hera are both shocked at that!

Kanan: Wait... Did he just say? 

Hera: I think he did... And I never thought that I'd heard Rex say that!

Rex smirked, neither did he!

Captain Rex: Neither did I!

Ezra: Normally I'd agree with everything that you say Hera, but I have to agree with both Kanan and Rex this time!

Kanan smiled, before asking the Commander what he thinks!

Kanan: What do you say, Commander?

Sato nods, knowing that Captain Syndulla is the best and the best chance that they got right now...

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