Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six: Cham Syndulla.../Briefings and Compromises!

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Everyone made their way to meet Cham and his Rebel Allies, who were traveling on a former Nu-class attack/transport shuttle to meet them! But as they made their way there, Kanan was visibly nervous about meeting Hera's father due to his relationship with her, as Ezra tried to keep his Master calm while he took it out on Zeb!

Kanan: How do I look?

Ezra: Hmm, same as always... Why?

Kanan: No reason... Straighten up a little bit... You're making me look bad!

Zeb: What's the matter with you?!

Kanan: Nothing... Just calm down!

Zeb: You calm down!

Ezra rolled his eyes, reassuring his Friend that he looked perfectly fine!

Ezra: Pay no attention to him, Kanan... You look fine to me!

Kanan smiled, gently rubbed Ezra's hair fondly! Just then, Cham and his Three Rebel friends entered... When came face to face, Hera commented that it's been a long time!

Hera: It's been a long time, Father...

Captain Howzer: Too long my dear Hera, in my opinion!

Cham: I'm standing right here!

Captain Howzer: I know!

Hera: We know!

Ezra looked at Cham, wanting to make sure that his fractured relationship with Hera to cost them a victory and end up like his relationship with Kaitis did! Cham turned to greet Kanan, knowing that he's the Jedi that he's heard so much about!

Cham: Ah... You must be the Jedi I've heard about!

Kanan clears his throat nervously, introduces himself since he's heard so much about the Legendary Clone War Hero as well!

Kanan: Jarrus... (Clears his Throat) Kanan Jarrus... I've... Heard a lot about you too, sir!

Hunter, Omega, and Eldra greeted their old friend, since Eldra met Cham while freeing Rlyoth from the Droid Army with Kaitis and his Master!

Cham: Hunter, Omega, and Eldra... It's good to see you all again? Where's the rest of your Team?

Omega: They're busy on an recon mission with Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano, so we stayed behind this time!

Hunter: It's nice to see you again, General!

Since Cham knew better than to bring up Kaitis and her Parents after he learned what happened a few weeks ago, Eldra took the time to introduce Cham to the rest of Hera's Crew!

Eldra: This is the rest of Hera's Crew... Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra! 

Sabine: Hello!

Zeb: Hey!

Chopper grunted in annoyance, saying that Eldra left out him entirely!

Chopper: (Grunting with Annoyance!) 

Eldra: And you obviously know Chopper!

Chopper cheered up a little bit, that's much better!

Chopper: (Beeping)

Cham: Obviously... (Looks at Ezra's Lightsabers, before turning to Hera...) Not mine, I take it?

Hera and Kanan both shook their head, before his Daughter explained Ezra's Birth Name and who his real Family was!

Kanan: Absolutely not! I mean, no sir!

Hera: No... He happens to be not just both Eldra's and Kaitis's Adoptive little Brother, but he also happens to be the youngest Son of Anakin Skywalker!

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