Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Two teams.../You can't protect him forever!

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In the Marauder, Ezra was helping Omega and Tech make some adjustments to the engines, knowing that the bounty over Rex, Omega, and the rest of the Bad Batch was pretty high now that the Empire knows about Rex's existance! Zeb and Hera came over, before offering the three of them some Hot Choco, knowing that maybe they should take a break!

Zeb: Here you go!

Omega: Thanks...

Tech: Thank you!

Hera: Ezra, shouldn't you and the others take a break?

Ezra: I'll take a break once the hyperdrive repairs are finished! Now that the Empire knows that Rex is a traitor now since the stunt he and Kanan pulled trying to rescue me, Minister Tua, Sato, and his his crew during that last mission, I'm not taking any chances! (Shivers) The thought of Rex and the others wearing their junk armors gives me the creeps! (Takes his cup of Hot Choco from Hera before thanking her!) Thank you...

Zeb joked, he kinda wants to throw Rex's armor into the trash right now!

Zeb: You know... I want to throw Rex's armor in the trash right now!

Hera and Ezra frowned, that's not funny! Omega tried to lighten up the mood a little bit, knowing that they can relax for now!

Omega: Come on, guys! Like you said, it's our break, right? So, let's get out and have some fun!

Just then, Ahsoka, Kanan, Eldra, Hunter, and Quinlan entered with some bad news!

Hunter: Fun time's over, guys! It's a no-go! I repeat, a no-go on everything is okay mode!

Ezra sighed with relief to get up from the repairs since his feet were starting to fall aleep, while Zeb was disappointed he was enjoying the down time from the red blades!

Ezra: Yes!

Zeb: What?!

Ahsoka: We got us a major situation... Kaitis and the Inquisitors has entered two different airspace coordinates! And you ain't going to believe where...

Ezra frowned, seeing that it was both the Takobo and Chandel Systems!

Ezra: Takobo and Chandel? (Sighs) Why is it always somewhere that the Empire is trying to capture valuable people or things from planets where families are trying to start over and make a new life for one another?

Kanan shrugged, he thought that it was kinda freaky as well!

Kanan: I thought it was kinda freaky myself!

Tech: Any idea what Ezra and the others are facing, Ahsoka?

Ashoka: Unknown... And I hate me some unknown!

Ezra looked at the data pad that Hunter gave to him, discovering that this mission had some sort of connection to the missing Force sensitive children incident that happened with Ahsoka and his Father during the Clone with the Bounty Hunter Cad Bane...

Ezra: Especially since this mission is almost related to the missing Force Sensetive children incident that you and Dad dealt with back in the Clone Wars during one of your encounters with the Bounty Hunter Cad Bane!

Omega and Hunter frowned, knowing that can't be good if one of Anakin's adventures with the Sith Lord was connected to all this!

Hunter: Well that can't be good!

Ahsoka: Exactly! So I want you, Kanan, Zeb, Chopper, Eldra, and Quinlan on the ground and searching Takobo for what they might be after while Omega and Hunter are with me searching the other coordinates near Chandel... Asap! Better yet. Pronto! And let's keep this on a 'need to know' basis... Meaning: No one needs to know!

Ezra nodded, before telling the others to move it!

Ezra: You heard the girl, let's move it!

As everyone headed towards the Phantom, Eldra still didn't think that it was a good idea for Ezra to tag along on this mission!

Eldra: I'm not really sure that the kid tagging along is a good idea! With Kaitis and the two Inquisitor Siblings after him, it'd be wise to keep a low profile... There's too much heat on us right now!

Hunter rolled his eyes, that has never stopped them before!

Hunter: Ha! That never stopped us before!

Eldra frowned, thinking that Ezra needs a break since he's been through enough already!

Eldra: The kid's been through enough! He needs a break...

Ahsoka shrugged as Ezra and Kanan got aboard the Phantom, he seems fine to her!

Ahsoka: He seems fine to me..

Quinlan and Hunter both placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder, knowing that she can't protect Ezra from doing the right thing forever!

Quinlan Vos: Just let Ezra be, Eldra... You can't control his life, protect him from himself forever, or even keep him from doing the right thing!

Hunter: Quinlan's right, Eldra... Anakin always told you and Kaitis when you were little that sometimes you just gotta stand up for what's right, even if the odds are against you... Even if you're all alone... You gotta just stand up and do the right thing, no matter how hard it is to do!

Omega nods, as Quinlan and Eldra left with the others! Hunter smiled at Omega, hoping that she is ready for this!

Hunter: You ready for this, kid?

Omega smiled before the three of them rushed off to Ahsoka's ship, ready when Hunter is!

Omega: Ready when you are, Sergeant!

The two teams set out for Takobo and Chandel, determined to find out what trouble Kaitis and his Inquisitor Siblings are stirring up now...

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