Chapter One Hundred and Forty Two: Escaping Nixus.../Chasing a Legend?

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Ezra looked at both Kanan and Hera, confused at what is going on as much as they are as Visago celebrated the Reunion as Zeb knew that this was very hard to remember!

Ezra: Does anybody know what they're talking about?

Hera: Sorry!

Kanan: Nope! Not a clue...

Ezra: Blast it!

Zeb: (Groans)

Vizago laughed at this reunion, he was right again about there being more Lasats over the Imperial Chatter!

Vizago: (Laughs) A reunion! I was right again! How wonderful...

Zeb rubbed the back of his head, he thought that he was just about the last of his kind!

Zeb: Thought I was just about the last of us... How is this possible?

Gron asked Zeb if knew him, as the Lasat's ears perked up, he and the Female Lasat did look familiar now that he got a better look at them...

Gron: Do you remember me, Captain?

Zeb: You two look familiar...

Gron explained that he served under Zeb in the guard, and the Woman beside him was Chava the Wise!

Gron: Gron, I served under you in the guard! This is Chava the Wise...

Zeb rubbed his head nervously, remembering who she was!

Zeb: Oh, yeah, I know who she is!

Ezra was shocked, to the core, he didn't know that Zeb was a Captain!

Ezra: I didn't know you were a captain...

Hera frowned with deep sadness in her green eyes, he never told any of them!

Hera: He never told any of us!

Zeb saw that everyone was hurt by this reveal before explaining that he forgot since it was so long ago!

Gron frowned at Chava, while they haven't forgotten, they didn't push the former Captain any further, for now at least...

Zeb: It was so long ago, I... I forgot!

Gron: We have not...

Either way, Vizago knew that they had to get them out of here!

Vizago: Well, we've gotta get you out of here!

As Zeb and the others left, Vizago left a note on the knocked out Officer for him and the reinforcements to see later once they're long gone! As Vizago runs to catch up with the others, he placed a hand on Ezra's shoulder, asking what the boy learned about his finder's fee and what would've happened if he contacted Hondo instead of him!

Vizago: Oh, wait, wait! Now what did you learn about not contacting Hondo and what would happen with me or him getting our finder's fee?

Ezra squints his eyes a little bit, before giving his answer to him, and both Kanan as well as Hera!

Ezra: That he never was getting his money unlike you after we get Zeb's friends to safety if I contacted him instead of you?

His two friends and Vizago smiled proudly at the young boy, giving the boy a gentle pat as they left the Cargo Bay!

Vizago: Perfect answer... I am so proud of you right now! I never had a student
learn this quickly...

Hera: (Chuckling)

Kanan: Smart boy!

As everyone left the Cargo Bay, the Imperial Officer distantly saw them leaving as back up  showed up!

Storm Trooper 1: Hold it!

Imperial Officer: Uh, something wrong, my friends?

Storm Trooper 2: Distress call from you, Officer! You were meeting an informant here.

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