Chapter Fifty-Three: Ezra talks to Kanan/Not ready for another War...

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In the hallway, Hera was confused why Kanan acted so rude back there!

Hera: Hey! What's with you? Do you have any idea how inappropriate that was?

Kanan: Actually, no, I don't!

Hera: You can't just tell Chopper to project a hologram in a secret debriefing without authorization!

Kanan becomes upset, those things are what is bothering him!

Kanan: Authorization! Procedure! That's what's bothering me!

Before the fight could continue any further, Ezra interrupted them!

Ezra: That's enough! Captain Syndulla, go with Sabine and Zeb and get ready for the mission with Crosshair and Chopper... I want to talk to my Master... Alone!

Although she is shocked at the anger in Ezra's voice, she does as she is told and leaves Kanan and his Padawan alone! Taking a deep breath to calm down, Ezra gathers his courage to ask what is troubling Kanan!

Ezra: (Sighs) All right, talk to me... What's wrong?

Seeing that no one else is around, Kanan pulls his student into another part of the hallway, explaining his problem to the kid!

Kanan: After this mission, I want us to go back on our own... Fighting alongside soldiers isn't what I signed up for!

Ezra frowns, reminding him that these soldiers are what helped him save Kanan's life literally a few weeks ago!

Ezra: You seem to be forgetting that these soldiers are what helped me save your life!

As Ahsoka walks by and listens in on the talk between the two of them, Kanan tried to explain that he wasn't being ungrateful or anything like that!

Kanan: And I'm grateful for that, kid... Really, I am! But that doesn't mean I want to join their little army... When Hera and me both started together, it was, "Rob from the Empire, give to the needy." A noble cause... Now we're getting drawn into some kind of military thing. I don't like it! We are fighting a bigger fight, and Hera says that it's still the right fight, but... 

Ezra senses the slight hesitation in Kanan's voice, before frowning at his Master!

Ezra: But what?

Kanan: (Sighs) I survived one war... I'm not ready for another one! I saw what it did...

Ezra placed a comforting hand on Kanan's arm, to the Jedi?

Ezra: To the Jedi?

Kanan shook his head, to everyone!

Kanan: To everyone...

Ezra frowns, confused why Kanan thinks he has to do it alone all the time now!

Ezra: What's this "alone" business on handling your feelings all the time? Don't you remember? Us insurgents have to—

Kanan snapped, still blaming himself for what happened, forcing Ezra to leave home, letting him get hurt and almost getting him killed, him being unable to protect Ezra from the Inquisitor or catch him from falling off the platform, and now he's unable to learn more about Anakin from Ahsoka cause he's worried about how it will affect his Jedi friend!

Kanan: What? Stick together? Because you stuck with me, you lost your chance to help your people and to help change things on Lothal! You almost got killed and got hurt because I wasn't there to protect you or to catch you, and now you can't even learn more about Anakin with Ahsoka because you're worried about me and how it might make me lose faith in the Jedi as it did with Kaitis when you were little!

That last part makes Ezra instantly realize that Kanan overheard what he said to Kaitis on his hologram before he had betrayed him and Eldra earlier as little kids... Sighing, the kid did his best to tell his Master that his life was better now that his new family was in it, especially Kanan!

Ezra: Hey, Kanan... I know that ever since we started working with Phoenix Squadron things have been crazy for all of us, and if me, Sabine, and even Zeb were the same broken person that we were back when we lost everything, I can't say that we wouldn't be feeling the same way... But do you really think that throwing your life away is gonna help me? Well, it won't! (Laughs almost bittersweetly, remembering all the good that Kanan has done since taking Ezra as his student!) You and Sabine helped me trust in the Force again and gave me a home with Hera, Zeb, and even Chopper when you both barely knew me... You both saved me from becoming an Inquisitor like Kaitis and... You guys even got me talking to my sister again! So... Unfortunately for you, my life is pretty great because I'm friends with Kanan Jarrus! Tell you what? Let's make a deal... After this mission is over and if Hera does want to stay with the Fleet and you still feel unsure about all of this would it be better if we take it one day at a time until you feel like you're ready to be a part of another war? 

Kanan smiles at Ezra's words, he guesses that he can work with that!

Kanan: I suppose that I could work with that... And thanks... For helping me when I needed you the most!

Ezra placed a warm hand on Kanan's arm, knowing that he'll always be there for him just as his Master has been there for him, even when Kanan literally doesn't want him to be!

Ezra: Remember... I'll always be there for you like you've been there for me when I need you the most, even when you don't want me to be!

Kanan smiled before the two of them go to meet up with Hera and the others! As the two Jedi left for the mission, Ahsoka watches them leave, her eyes were a bit bittersweet as well... The way that Anakin's son did his best to help his Master through his troubled feelings about joining Phoenix Squadron reminded her so much of her Master when she was around Ezra's age, she missed Anakin so much even though she wasn't a Jedi anymore...

Ahsoka: (Sighs) Anakin is no longer a part of my life now, but I know that it was for the best... We weren't made for one another especially since I couldn't stay after the Council didn't believe me!

Ahsoka turns to leave before deciding to send a Ship to pick up all the people of Tarkintown, just to be safe!

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