Chapter Ninety: Greatest weakness!/Hera's flight feelings...

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On Agent Kallus's Imperial Star Destroyer, the Imperial Commander was talking over a hologram about the problems dealing with the Ibaarian people and the Rebel Fleet with Kallus and Kaitis!

Agent Kallus: Report...

Imperial Commander: We have cut all remaining rations from the Ibaarian people... There are a few holdouts in the mountains who have been in contact with the Rebel Fleet!

Kallus wasn't worried, their spirits would break soon enough!

Agent Kallus: Have no fear, Commander... Their spirit will break soon enough!

The Commander nodded, before asking about the Rebel Fleet!

Imperial Commander: What of the rebel fleet?

Kaitis frowned, he's not worried... Their greatest weakness is helping people in need, which will be the last mistake they ever make!

Kaitis: They will return... They can't resist helping people in need, which will be the last mistake they ever make! (Evil Laughing)

While the Empire was busy breaking the Ibaarian people's spirits and dealing with Kanan and the others, Hera was talking to Quarrie back on Shantipole while they were repairing the Phantom!

Hera: You know, you didn't have to drag us all the way out here... Could've just transmitted the plans to Rex!

Quarrie sighed, it's not like he could hand his ship over to just any pilot!

Quarrie: Why would I hand over my ship to just any pilot?

While Hera knew that he made a good point, would any pilot risk their life to come here to this death trap?

Hera: Would "any pilot" risk their own life to come to this death trap?

Quarrie knew that the green twi'lek made a good point, any other pilot probably wouldn't... So did Hera?

Quarrie: Perhaps not... So why did you?

Hera put her wrench away, knowing close her love for flying was very similar to Ezra's, considering they felt like belonged flying up high in the sky, even though some of their loved ones disagreed with their feelings about it!

Hera: I was a little girl when the Clone War came to Ryloth... My mother hid us below ground, but I'd peek out when the Republic ships flew over as they fought to liberate my world... I dreamt of nothing more than to be up there with them!

Quarrie: So, you left your family to fight?

Hera: I left my family so I could fly!

Quarrie was confused, Hera wanted to fly even though it meant being a combat pilot who had to make difficult choices!

Quarrie: As a combat pilot?

Hera turned away, knowing that her love for flying is kinda hard to explain to Quarrie like it was with her father and Omega than it was with her mother and Ezra...

Hera: If we want freedom, we must make difficult choices... I chose to leave my family, I chose to learn to fly, and then I chose to use that ability to help others in need! But it's all rooted in something I can't explain... A need to be up there! Because even when there are expl*si*n all around me, and things are at their worst... I feel like I'm at my best!

Hera looked up at the sky, remembering her talk with Omega years ago when she was little...

Omega: This is the sensor array, and that's the deflector shield... Over there is the nav readout, and this is the hyperdrive!

Young Hera: You sure know a lot about this... Do you fly?

Omega: No... Tech won't let me train until I can recite all the ship's specifications from memory!

Young Hera: Specs are only half of it... Flying is... It's about a feeling!

Omega: What do you mean?

Young Hera: When I close my eyes and picture myself up there, I feel it. The instruments help guide you, but when you plot your course... You're free!

Omega: So you're a pilot?

Young Hera: No... Not yet! But one day...

Seeing the determined look on the green twi'lek's face, Quarrie knew that his ship was in need of a pilot, just as much as there are beings in need of help!

Quarrie: We've wasted enough time... There are beings in need of help, and my ship is in need of a pilot!

Hera smiled at Quarrie, time to prove him just that!

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