Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Four: Reconciliation.../Not all bad!

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On their new Carrier, Ezra and the others had already said their goodbyes to Numa and the others... Cham was going to join them and head back to Ryloth with them, but had some good news to give to Hera and the others first...

Cham: I'm getting reports from all over Ryloth... Our people are rallying against the Empire! Every hour, more join our ranks...

Hunter, Omega, Ezra, and even Kanan all smiled at each other, that's what they like to hear!

Kanan: Glad to hear it, sir...

But before Cham left, he wanted to have a word with Hera first!

Hera: Daughter, may we speak?

Ezra nodded at Hera to go and talk things over with her Father as Hera smiled, before taking a gentle walk with Cham! The General explained that when Hera left Ryloth all those Years ago, he was heartbroken at first... But after what happened, he now understood! Like Hera, Eleni was once a dreamer too like her Daughter is!

Cham: When you left, I was heartbroken, but now I understand... You're like your mother! She was once a dreamer too...

Hera smiled, while it was true that she got her ideas of idealism from her Mother, she got her leadership Skills and learned to be one by watching her Father!

Hera: But I learned to be a leader by watching you!

Hera shared a brief hug with Cham, after being apart after so long! Cham departed from the hug as he put both his hands on both his Daughter's shoulders, before saying something to her that Hera had always wished for since she left Ryloth...

Cham: Hmm... I am proud of you, Captain Syndulla!

As Cham boarded his Ship and left to return back to Ryloth, Hera smiled along with the others as her Father's Ship departed into space before making the jump to light speed... Omega smiled at Hera, before Sabine asked if that was the last that they have seen of Cham!

Hunter: Think that's the last we've seen of him?

Hera shook her head no a little bit fondly, and she was glad about that before she told everyone that the first round of Lunch is on her!

Hera: No, and I'm glad... Come on, guys... First round's on me!

Hunter scoffs, knowing that she owes both him and Omega way more than just that!

Hunter: (Scoffs) You owe us way more than that!

Omega rolled her eyes, fondly telling Hunter to not push his luck since that's usually Wrecker's job!

Omega: Don't push your luck!

As Omega and the others began heading back to Ghost, both Eldra and Hunter complimented Ezra on the great work that he did today!

Eldra: Nice work, little brother!

Hunter: You did good today, kid...

As everyone else left, it qas just Ezra and his Master who were alone now... He was proud too for standing up for Hera, but he had a question for the kid about Cham...

Kanan: Why did you... Try and help fix things between him and Hera earlier... After what he did? 

Ezra shrugged, maybe he's not bad if Hera still cares about him despite their differences as well!

Ezra: I don't know... Hera still cares about him despite their differences... Maybe he's not all bad!

Kanan gave a gentle proud Shoulder as they followed Hera and the others back to the Ghost, knowing Ezra has truly been taught by both Hera and the others very well!

Kanan: Hera and the others have certainly taught you well, kiddo...

Ezra smiles as he looked down his Secret Family Locket, remembering Howzer's parting words from earlier...

Captain Howzer: Oh, Ezra... Like your Father Anakin Skywalker was in the Clone War, you truly are a Jedi!

Ezra smiled shyly at that, knowing that Kanan has taught him just as much as Hera, Eldra, and the others have!

Ezra: So have you...

The two of them walked up the Ramp of the Ghost, knowing that Ezra will learn the real truth of own Birth Parents one day, he's ready for it!

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