Chapter Forty-Six: Stronger than Fear/Let's go home!

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On the Lower Platform, Ezra kept hearing voices from the people that he loves, telling him to wake up!

Padme: Ezra...

Anakin: Ezra...

Ahsoka: Ezra...

Kanan: Ezra!

Hera: Ezra, are you out there?

Ezra finally wakes up, hearing both Hera and Kanan's concerned voices for him! Gently touching his injured cheek and wincing in pain, he grabs his comlink to let Hera and the others know that he's alright!

Ezra: I'm here!

Hera: Do you have Kanan? Is he okay?

Shaking his head from falling off the platform, Ezra looked at the upper platform to see if his Master is alright! To his surprise, he saw that Kanan was fighting the Grand Inquisitor alone, using both his lightsaber and his custom-built lightsaber! After seeing the Jedi Hunter backed into a corner of fear, Ezra managed a small smile, knowing that Kanan is doing better than okay!

Ezra: Yeah... I think he's better than okay!

Ezra sees Crosshair fighting Kaitis, knowing that he needs some help!

Ezra: Just get going, I meet with you later!

Hera: Roger that, Spectre-6!

Crosshair and Kaitis both notice Ezra is alive, causing the Inquisitor in training to have a vengeful look in his eyes!

Kaitis: Jedi boy, I will end you!

Ezra just rolls his eyes in annoyance before grabbing Ahsoka's lightsaber and activated it!

Ezra: (Groans) Let's go!

The both of them started fighting with flashes of red and blue sabers clashing in between each other!

Kaitis: My opportunity to impress Vader to carve a position for myself and you ruined it!

Ezra: (Grunts) I'm crying on the inside for you! You're lucky Ahsoka didn't show up... The way you're fighting you wouldn't have lasted long!

Kaitis: Oh, you have Kenobi's arrogance!

Ezra: You'll find I have many qualities for you to dislike!

Crosshair watches as the two fight a little longer before Kaitis expressed the fact that they could've destroyed both Vader and Sidious together!

Kaitis: We could have destroyed Vader and Sidious!

Ezra just rolls his eyes, his tone turning serious!

Ezra: Only for you to take his place! (Force Pushed him away before he slices his former brother's Red Kyper Crystal into pieces, causing him to fall on the ground! Ezra points his blue lightsaber near his neck, breathing and sighing heavily!)

Crosshair: It's hard to compete with a Jedi!

Ezra smiles a little bit, before calming his heavy breathing and sighing down, his tone turning serious about Anakin's fate!

Ezra: Vader... Is lying to you! Even if he had a lot of anger in him during the Clone War unless it meant protecting Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, or even Rex, Anakin would never hurt an innocent!

The young boy narrows his eyes before Ezra deactivates his weapon, wanting to make his point that his grudge is with him and him alone, and to stay away from Kanan and the others!

Kaitis: Your stupid grudge is with me, and me alone... Stay away from my friends, especially Kanan! Understood?!

Crosshair is wondering how they can get back up there!

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