Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-One: The Yawst System?/The Horizon Base!

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It had been a few days since Ezra and the others learned the Terrible Truth about Anakin's real Fate, and the young Jedi was trying to keep his emotions under control as much as possible... But the good news was that he, Hera, and the others were having a meeting on Sato's Command Ship along with Kestu, knowing that they might have a suitable location for a Base now!

Sabine: Thanks to Rex's Old Republic map and the map Zeb's Lasat friends made, I believe we finally have a suitable location for our base! The Yawst system...

As Hera brings up a Hologram of the System, Sabine's old friend gives her advice to her Hera!

Kestu: Hmm... There's no sign of the Empire, but there's a small habitable moon, one that I think will provide everything you need...

Commander Sato knew that sounded promising, but Yawst was several parsecs away... And their carrier didn't have enough fuel to complete the journey, nor could they afford to leave it unguarded!

Commander Sato: Promising, but Yawst is several parsecs away, and our carrier does not have enough fuel to complete the journey... We can't afford to leave it unguarded and immobile!

Luckily, Hunter and Omega both knew that Sabine had an idea of how they could solve that problem!

Omega: I think Sabine has the answer to that problem!

Sabine: Well, I've been tracking Imperial fuel shipments... 

Hunter: There's one scheduled to arrive at the Horizon Base soon!

Rex knew that it was a little bit risky, considering that the Empire's tightened security in the sector!

Captain Rex: Eh, it's risky... The Empire's tightened security at all its depots in the sector!

Ezra shrugged at everyone else, knowing that if fuel was there, they didn't have much of a choice now, did they?

Ezra: If there's fuel there, what choice do we have?

The Bad Batch, Rex, Sato, and his Crew Members knew that Ezra had a good point!

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