Chapter Six: I Don't Have Any Parents\ Ezra's A Jedi As Well?

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Ezra felt himself waking up in the med bay aboard the Ghost. He looks to his left, seeing Sabine, Chopper, and Hera all smiling at him in relief!

Sabine: Hey there, sleepyhead!

Ezra looked up to see that Kanan was sitting by his side the entire time, smiling in pure relief that Ezra's alive and well!

Kanan: Welcome aboard, again!

Zeb however, slashed out at the kid, still upset at himself for leaving the kid behind!

Zeb: What were you doing out there!? Do you realize you could've been killed!? 

Ezra became scared under Zeb's anger before Kanan backed him away from Ezra, taking the diplomatic approach to help calm the kid down!

Kanan: Easy. He's not a soldier. (Approaches Ezra, before placing a comforting hand on the kid's shoulder.) Are you hurt? Now, let's take a look here...

Ezra started to quiver before he buries his face in Kanan's shoulder.

Ezra: I'm sorry, I was just trying to save you guys from the Empire's trap... I-I didn't know... 

Hera and Sabine watched sadly as Kanan held Ezra gently in his arms, trying to calm him down!

Kanan: You're safe... That's all that matters!

Hera knew that they should get the kid home, his parents must be worried sick about him right now!

Hera: We'll get you home now, I'm sure that your parents must be worried sick!

Ezra sniffed before turning away into Kanan's arms, remembering that he lost his foster parents a long time ago... And he never even knew his real parents!

Ezra: I... I don't have any parents...

Hera softened at the young boy's sad eyes, as Kanan gently comforted him, remembering what Sabine had told him earlier...

Ezra: So... What happened to your real family?

Sabine: The Empire... What happened to yours?

Ezra: I don't know, Sabine... I never knew my parents! My twin siblings were separated from me and my real mother died when I was just a baby, and I knew even my real father... All I know about him is was he was a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars...

Kanan: I'm sorry, Ezra... We didn't know!

Sabine: Hey, kid. Are you all right?

Kanan: He'll be fine...

For once in his life, Ezra didn't flinch or try to shrug off the comfort. He smiled, before placing his hand over Kanan's as a thank you... Hera and Sabine just glared at Zeb, knowing that could've gone much worse!

Hera: All in all, I would say that could've gone much worse!

Suddenly, Ezra remembered what he had overheard while he was in his Cell!

Ezra: And you've got somewhere else to be. I know where they're taking the Wookies. Have you ever heard of the spice mines of Kessel?

Sabine sat down, knowing that a lot when she used to be a bounty hunter!

Sabine: Slaves sent there the last few months, maybe a year.

Hera immediately finished Sabine's thought of what she was going to say!

Hera: And for the Wookies who are born in the forest, it's a death sentence...

Ezra looks at the ground before making his mind up about what he wanted to do in his heart, just like his real parents did when they were little...

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