Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One: A Warmful evening.../Things will get better!

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Later that evening in the water outside of the Palace, Leia and Ezra were out in Leia's boat, as the young boy felt the nice cool breeze of the wind against his blue hair and his neck! Leia smiled, seeing how happy her young Jedi friend has becoming since he got here this morning!

Ezra: (Sighs) I spent most of my life surrounded by the beautiful sky and wind, but it didn't feel like this place!

Princess Leia: Why'd you leave Lothal? 

Ezra: The Empire...

Princess Leia: I'm so sorry... But you're safe here... You and your friends can stay as long as you want!

Ezra: We never stay anywhere for long...

Princess Leia: Never? Doesn't that get... lonely? 

Ezra frowned, unsure since he's never thought about it like that before!

Ezra: I never really thought about it...

While the two kids watched from the boat, Sabine and Kanan watched the sunset from the Palace's window view...

(Datapad beeping] 

Sabine: It's almost time...

Kanan: For what? 

Sabine: See for yourself!

(Birds twittering)

(Waves lapping)

Kanan: I am not seeing anything...

Sabine: Just wait... It'll be worth it!

Kanan sees the sun setting, causing thousands colours to appear in the sun's setting rays, much to all of their amazement and shock!

Ezra and Leia: Wow...

Sabine: Pretty spectacular, right? 

Kanan: I suppose that is one way to quantify it...

As Sabine went inside the Palace to get some sleep since it was getting Dark really fast, Kanan stayed outside to listen to Ezra and Leia's conversation as the sky changed to a beautiful starry night sky! Ezra smiled, seeing how beautiful the stars were at night on Leia's Planet like they were back on Lothal when he and Eldra were little...

Princess Leia: The stars look so beautiful now at night time...

Ezra: Yeah... Almost like the stars that I used to see back on Lothal in the sky at the night time when me and Eldra were little kids! 

Princess Leia: You know... Sometimes I try to imagine what my real Family was like...

Ezra sighed, revealing his feelings about the brief images of his Real Family when he was just a baby...

Ezra: I know that feeling... As Jedi, other than me and my adoptive siblings were taken from our families when we're very young. I still have glimpses, flashes really; my mother's hands, my father's eyes! I also remember two babies before I was born... 

Princess Leia: Two babies? 

Ezra: Yes, I think I had a twin brother and sister... I really don't remember them... (Sighs) I wished I did... Then I joined the Jedi, and I got a new family just like you!

Kanan's eyes softened at Ezra's flashes of his Twin Siblings as a Baby, as Leia remembered a almost similar conversation with Obi-Wan at a young age as well...

Obi-Wan: As Jedi we're taken from our families when we're very young. I still have glimpses, flashes really; my mother's shawl, my father's hands. I remember a baby... 

Young Leia: A baby? 

Obi-Wan: Yes, I think I had a brother. I really don't remember him. I wished I did... Then I joined the Jedi, and I got a new family just like you!

Leia asked about Kanan, since Bail had told her about them and their business helping the poor and robbing from the Empire back on Lothal!

Princess Leia: My Father told me that s small band of Rebels helped R2 and 3PO on Lothal... They told me that you were robbing from the Empire to help people in need on your home planet, and that you were traveling with an Jedi Knight that survived the events of Kaller... Who is he?

Ezra: Kanan... He's a Jedi survivor, like us!

Leia seemed shocked and confused at that before he asked why Ezra trusted Kanan that much, seeing how everyone but her Family thought his kind were traitors to the Galaxy...

Princess Leia: Why do you trust him so much?

Ezra frowned, knowing that Kanan is still like his Family to him, the events of yesterday proved just that!

Ezra: Because he's like my Family...

Leia looked over at the young boy, shocked that he considers the man to his Family even though he don't know his own Family and his adoptive parents were killed by his former adoptive brother a few weeks ago...

Princess Leia: Family? Wait... Him?

Ezra nods, knowing that they all are!

Ezra: Yeah... In fact, they are all!

Princess Leia smiled, knowing that he and the others are welcome on her Home planet for some help against the Empire any time!

Princess Leia: Well... Even though I don't know my own biological Family, I think we'll be just fine... You and your Rebel friends are welcome on my Planet when the Empire isn't bothering me and my Family anytime!

Ezra: Thanks, Princess...

Princess Leia: Call me, Leia, kiddo...

Ezra: Only if you call me, Ezra... Leia!

The two of them hugged each other, smiling at each other with love and peace in their eyes... Kanan smiled at the two kids from the Palace's window, before winking at his student with a smile before leaving them alone... Ezra smiled, knowing that they will get better like Eldra said that they would after telling the truth about who his real Family was before his 7th Birthday...

Young Eldra: We have hope... Hope that things will get better... And they will!

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