Chapter Seventy-Four: Memories of an old friend.../It's been a while, fellas!

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On his sister's new shuttle, Ezra had a idea of who this deserter was, remembering when he went to visit Saleucami as a surprise for his 9th Birthday when he and his adoptive siblings were little! But unfortunately, it was the last happy Birthday that he celebrated with Kaitis before he sold him and Eldra out to the Empire and almost left the both of them for dead if it wasn't for Omega, Echo, and especially Crosshair...

Their shuttle had just crashed and Eldra was badly injured, while Kaitis and Ezra shrugged to pull her out of the wreckage!

Young Kaitis: (Sighs) We made it... And Eldra is still alive!

Young Ezra: (Sighs) I'm just glad that she wasn't awake to see that landing! Are all Jedi used to be so reckless?!

Young Kaitis: (Scoffs) Just the good ones...

Suddenly, they saw a young twi'lek girl outside of the tiny house that they had just crash landed nearby! She saw the two boys, and that their big sister was badly injured! She quickly ran back inside to find her parents and her brother, knowing that the Eldra needs help!

Shaeeah: Daddy, Mom, Jek! There's a Ship that just crash landed outside of our house, and some people are hurt real bad!

Cut: What?! 

Suu: Okay, just stay right there, sweetie! Me, your Father, and your brother will be right there, Shaeeah!

Shaeeah: Ok, Mom!

Kaitis's features softened, he recognized the young blue purplish twi'lek girl who had just called out to her Family for help!

Young Kaitis: Shaeeah?

Ezra looked confused at that, seeing that his adoptive brother knows her!

Young Ezra: Oh, you know her?

Kaitis lets his guard down around Ezra for the very first few times, explaining that Shaeeah's family are some old friends of his and Eldra from when they were little...

Young Kaitis: She and her family are some old friends of me and Eldra, back from when we were around your age!

A young man, a purple twi'lek woman, and a Tan coloured twi'lek boy approached them, seeing their old friend Kaitis from the Clone Wars!

Cut: It's been a while, Kaitis...

Kaitis rolls his eyes, too long by his account!

Young Kaitis: Too long by my account, actually!

Cut saw that the younger boy was worried for his older sister's well being!

Young Ezra: My older sister needs help... Please!

Cut nods, before carrying the girl inside! Later that night, Eldra was in Cut and Suu's room, recovering from injuries, when she woke up!

Young Eldra: (Gasps) Oh! (Groans) Okay, not my best landing or my favourite way to wake up!

Suddenly, she sees her old friend Cut Lawquane, standing at in the doorway!

Cut: It's been a while, Commander...

Eldra sat up, she actually does have a name, believe or not!

Young Eldra: It's Eldra, actually... I also have a name, believe it or not!

Suddenly, Kaitis and Ezra rushed in, relieved that their sister was okay!

Young Kaitis: Eldra, you're okay!

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