Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine: Arriving on Alderaan!/An old friend...

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Early that morning on Alderaan, Princess Leia had awoken up and was gazing at the beautiful sight of her planet from her castle window in her bedroom, as the sun rose up... The teenage Princess smiled at her little Droid Lola, remembering that her own adoptive Father, Senator Bail Organa himself told her about leading her planet in her own when she was old enough to do so, when she was a little girl...

Young Leia: I'm not even a real Organa...

Bail Organa: What? Don't ever say that!  You are our child... You are an Organa in every way... One day this planet will look to you! There are many ways to lead, you just have to find yours...

Leia smiled gently at those words, before hearing something knock on her bedroom door! The princess cleared her voice, before asking who it was!

Princess Leia: Come in...

The door opened, revealing it to her adoptive Mother and Bail Organa's wife; Queen Breha of Alderaan!

Princess Leia: Hello, Mother... You wanted to speak to me about something?

Breha nods, leading her and Lola outside of the Palace to meet up with Bail and the others!

Queen Breha: Yes, actually I did! Some Rebels are coming for three cruisers after their losses to the Empire's attack on their base of Garel! They've also decided to lay low on our planet for a few days, since one of their youngest members has suffered through a lot of pain, suffering, and has lost two adoptive family members so they need some time to help cool off until they have more supplies for their next run-in with the Empire!

Leia seemed shocked by that, before offering her deeply condolences about the young boy as she asked Breha if the Empire will show up for any unfortunate surprise visits on their planet and expose them and their Rebel friends!

Princess Leia: I'm very sorry to hear that... And the Empire won't be making any unfortunate surprise visits that will expose both us and the Rebels that need our three cruisers to use in their battle against the Empire, right?

Breha shook her head, knowing that they need to find a new strategy to find the Rebels more easily without destroying their peace on Alderaan right now, especially with Lieutenant Lyste's demotion right now of letting the Rebels escape right now

Queen Breha: No, I don't think so, my dear... They're too busy coming up with a new strategy to find the Rebels, especially since Kallus and Kaitis are demoting Lieutenant Lyste of not telling him about their escape from Garel and letting them get away!

Princess Leia: Good point...

Outside of the Palace, the Ghost along with Eldra's ship and Marauder had just landed on one of Alderaan's landing pads! Senator Organa was just greeting Eldra, Quinlan Vos, Ahsoka, Rex, and Ryder!

Ryder: I owe you my life... You have my gratitude!

Ahsoka: It's the least we could do after leading the Empire right to you!

As Senator Organa talked with his old friends from the Clone Wars and Ryder, Leia peeked over both his and Breha's shoulder a little bit curious at seeing her old friends, Sabine and Ezra with their Ghost Crew! She saw that Omega, Wrecker, and the others were consoling the sad Skywalker, for they knew about what happened from what Rex and their other Jedi friends had told them about the sad news about what had happened earlier...

Wrecker: We heard what happened... Sorry, kid...

Omega gently placed a comforting hand on Ezra's arm, trying to offer the positive side of things!

Omega: Hey, at least now you know...

Ezra frowned, knowing that he just needs some time to be alone right now!

Ezra: Yeah... I guess I just need some time alone right now...

Kanan: Okay...

Omega and the others don't even argue at all, knowing that the youngest member of the Ghost has been through more heartache and loss more than anybody right now! Leia sees that Ezra doesn't even notice as he goes off into the Palace's garden to get some air! As soon as the kid is gone, Leia finally greets Sabine and the others!

Bail Organa: Hello everyone, my name is Senator Bail Organa... I was an old friend of Anakin and Ahsoka, and this is my wife Breha, my adoptive daughter, Leia!

Breha: Charmed...

Leia waves gently at Sabine, who recoginzes her from her solo mission with Ezra and Chopper!

Princess Leia: Hello! Sabine?

Sabine: Leia?

Kanan seemed shocked that they know each other before Sabine explained how they knew each other!

Kanan: You know each other?

Sabine: Remember how me and Ezra told you that he met someone strange before we returned home from my Solo mission and that she was strange but different?

Kanan: Uh-huh!

Sabine: Leia was the friend that we were talking about!

Kanan: Ohh...

Bail Organa: I see you have met Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, and rest of their Crew, especially the youngest son of my two old friends Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala!

Princess Leia: Wait... You mean that Ezra is really the youngest son of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and your old friend in the Senate that you and Mom told me about?

Bail Organa: Yep!

Princess Leia: Oh...

Bail Organa: Come, you all must be hungry!

Zeb and Wrecker: You don't know the half of it!

Bail: I thought you said Ezra was still learning a thing or too about his abilities as a Jedi! 

Eldra: You know what's he's like!

Breha: I know who he's like...

As Ahsoka and the others left, Leia stayed back to talk to Sabine and Kanan... She was surprised that her old friend that she met for a brief moment was a secret son of Anakin Skywalker, but she was worried that the young boy seemed troubled about something!

Princess Leia: Is he all right? 

Kanan and Sabine briefly explained that Ezra was okay but was just dealing with losing people close to him, as well as dealing with the challenge of having so much responsibility at his age!

Sabine: He's okay... 

Kanan: He just lost some people close to him! 

Sabine: It's a challenge being his age with so much responsibility...

The young Princess frowned at that, she knew that kind of feeling all too well!

Princess Leia: I know that feeling!

Kanan and Sabine nodded at the young Princess to go and talk to him, knowing that she could use a friend like her right now to help cheer him up until he's ready to talk to them about what happened to his adoptive parents...

Kanan: Maybe he could use a friend...

Leia nodded, before Kanan and Sabine went inside with the others while the Princess went to talk to their youngest Crew Member!

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