Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five: Family issues.../Taking the long way!

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On the other side of Garel, Zeb was fighting off some bucket heads when Ezra and Kanan showed up, blasting some so that Zeb and Chopper could head the other way!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan: Sorry that we are late...

Zeb: How nice of you two to join us!

Ezra: Zeb, we'll cover you! Head this way!

However, even more Troopers showed up, causing everyone to take cover!

Ezra: Go! Go! Go!

Chopper quickly hid, knowing that it was every man for himself, much to Ezra's shock and Zeb's anger!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Chopper! Where are you going?!

Ezra: What do you mean every man for himself?" You're a Droid!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: I hope you run out of Fuel! Just great, they've got us in a cross fire...

Kanan: We have even bigger problems than that right now!

From his pinned down cover, Ezra saw that Agent Kallus was talking to some of the bucket heads!

Ezra: Oh, wonderful...

Stormtrooper 1: Got them in a cross fire, Agent Kallus!

Agent Kallus: We have them pinned now...

As Kanan and Zeb did their best to blast the Storm Troopers and avoid their blaster fire, Ezra frowned before reaching for his lightsabers, knowing that he and the others don't have time for this right now!

Ezra: We don't have all day... We have to get out of here!

As Ezra ran forwards to deal with others without killing them, Kanan warned the kid that was a bad idea!

Kanan: Ezra, no!

Zeb pulled him back before he could get shot, knowing that he has own problems to deal with and that Ezra can fight his own battles even though he is going through a lot of pain and suffering right now!

Zeb: We need to deal with our own problems with those bucket heads, and let the kid fight his own battles... Even though he's going through a lot of pain and suffering right now, Ezra is more than capable to take care of himself!

While he and Kanan fought off the remaining Trooper's blaster fire, Ezra raced forward, deflecting the Kallus's Trooper's blaster back at him, knocking them out before force pushing the ISB Agent back against the nearby corner, knocking him out cold! Kanan and Zeb just finished dealing with the last of the Stormtroopers when they turned around and saw the way that Ezra had dealt with Kallus and the Troopers with ease without losing control of himself! Kanan's shocked face turns into a proud smile while Zeb shrugged, that was pretty impressive!

Zeb: Well, that's pretty impressive...

Kanan: Yeah... I taught him!

Seventh Sister: Well... Hello there!

Kanan and Zeb both rolled their eyes, seeing that the two Inquisitor Siblings have just showed up at the worst possible times!

Both: Oh, come on!

Ezra: You Inquisitor Siblings always show up at the worst possible times...

Kaitis showed up as well, before he and Ezra got into a argument about Ezra's Family issues!

Kaitis: Hiding out on an Imperial planet by using shuttles to avoid our patrols? So predictable...

Ezra: (Scoffs) Nice to see you too, Kaitis! My adoptive parents were the only two parents that you and Eldra had... And you killed them by stabbing them in the back!

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