Chapter Twenty-One: You Are Who You Choose To Be, Not What Others Make You

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Based off of an idea from the story "Who am I" so it's not copyright so... Do not judge me!

It had been only a few hours since Ezra and Kanan had arrived on Fort Annexes. Kanan and Ezra were both mediating to keep Fyrnocks calm, so that they would only attack the Imperials, and not them! Kanan opened an eye to see that Ezra was petting a baby Fyrnock, comforting him with a tiny paw of his leg. He could sense that Ezra was upset about something, before placing a comforting hand on his student's shoulder!

Kanan: You're upset... You okay?

Ezra: Yeah, I'm fine... It's dumb! I just... I thought that Anakin and I could maybe have what you Five have! Believe me, Kanan... I wanna know the truth about him more anything in the world, but... (Sighs)

Kanan could sense the hesitation in his voice, struggling to fight back the tears growing in his student's eyes...

Kanan: But what? If you want to know the truth about your real Father so badly, then why won't you let me and others help you find it?!

Ezra: (Sighs) Because! (Pulls himself into a small hug in his knees, feeling the tears from earlier this morning coming back full force!) What... What if Kaitis was right and that my real Dad really was a bad person?!

Kanan flinched in shock, realizing that Ezra is afraid to know the truth about his real family because he is afraid that it might make him a terrible person as well... That Kaitis was right about Anakin's fate! Kanan smiles gently as placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, causing the kid to look up a bit confused!

Kanan: Ezra, listen to me... Everybody has a little bit of both darkness and light, and that's perfectly normal for Balance in the Force! There will always be darkness in this world, kid... But where there is darkness, there will always be light in this world as well...

Ezra smiles bittersweetly as Kanan hands the kid his special book his adoptive Mother gave him when was just a little kid, before turning it to the front... The young kid sees some special words, written in mondo!

Ezra: Gar cuyir tion' as gar gaanader at cuyir. Not meg others gotal' ugar gar?

Kanan simply laughs a little, before saying the English version of the message to his student with a fond smile...

Kanan: (Laughs) It means: You are who choose to be, kid... Not what others make you!

Ezra smiles at Kanan, feeling much better for the first time today... However, an evil voice interrupts their bonding moment... And even worse, it's one that both Ezra and Kanan were all too familiar with!

Grand Inquisitor: How touching...

Kaitis: And in case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm!

Both Ezra and Kanan turn around to see Kaitis and the Grand Inquisitor approaching them! The two Jedi rolled their eyes, just great!

Ezra: Oh, great! The Grand Inquisitor and Kaitis, how lovely!

Kanan: Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

Kaitis just approached the both of them before pulling out his Red lightsaber, wanting to deal with Ezra personally!

Kaitis: Let me deal with Ezra, Master... This is between us alone!

Grand Inquisitor: Be my guest!

Kanan immediately pulls out his lightsaber, refusing to let his former friend and his Sith Master hurt his student!

Kaitis: Disobeying orders again over a kid? Bad play, Jarrus! You know what you should work on? Explaining when you went soft!

Ezra reached for his own lightsaber, telling his former brother to watch it!

Ezra: Stow it, Kaitis!

Kaitis: Don't you see that every choice that he has made since Lothal has been wrong?! First Sabine, then Ezra... You're becoming a liability!

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