Chapter Eighty-Four: Rescuing Vizago!/Hondo and Ezra talk...

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On the other side of the Broken Horn, Kanan and Omega were looking for Vizago when they heard a noise coming from a hidden room!

Omega: What is that?

Luckily, Ezra and Sabine had taught the girl a few things about hacking or picking a lock! She opened the door, causing Kanan to smile at the kid... Hunter wasn't kidding when he said that Omega knew her stuff!

Kanan: Hunter wasn't kidding, you certainly know your stuff!

Omega: Why, thank you! (Giggles)

But when the two of them walk in, they saw the person that they were looking for was locked up!

Kanan: Vizago!

Vizago turned to look confused at the Jedi, he hasn't heard or seen Kanan since his capture or since he and the others left Lothal! 

Vizago: You? What are you doing here?

Kanan was a bit confused, Hondo said that Vizago had lost his ship in a bet with him!

Kanan: I...I... Wait, Hondo told us over the security computer cameras that you lost your ship in a bet!

Vizago: Oh! And you believed that swindler? By the moons of Gozgo, you are hopelessly gullible!

Kanan: Hey, I'm not the one who got locked in his own brig!

Vizago sighed, seeing that Kanan makes a good point before explaining to him and the girl what had happened!

Vizago: He shot me in the back with a stunner, eh, disabled my droids somehow!

Omega hands a stunner to Kanan that she found on the ground, explaining this is what did that!

Omega: Probably with this...

Vizago knew that he needed help reclaiming his ship!

Vizago: You must help me reclaim the Horn!

Kanan frowned, he and his friends had bigger problems to deal with!

Kanan: Sorry, but I've got other things to worry about, like getting back some lost power generators for our Fleet!

Vizago: My generators?

Omega: No, our generators!

Vizago reminded that Kanan owes him a favour since that's what saved him from the Empire cause Ezra risked making a deal with him!

Vizago: Doesn't matter if the generators are yours or mine, little... Your Padawan owes me, remember, Kanan? I gave him information, and it saved his Jedi friend over there! I am calling in that favor... Now!

Kanan sighed, seeing that Vizago makes a good point about that!

Kanan: Okay, I'll get you your ship, and then we're even, but we get to keep the generators! No funny business...

Omega unlocked Vizago out of his cell, knowing that is a catch he can live with... Not like he has any choice in the matter!

Vizago: That's a catch that I can live with... (Scoffs) Not like I have a choice!

Suddenly, Chopper burst in upset as Omega tried to calm the little droid down!

Omega: Chopper? Chopper, what's wrong?

Kanan: What did you find out? 

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Omega: He says that Ezra's been captured along with Hondo by Azmorigan and is going to kill them both!

Kanan: Killing a child?! Sheesh, and I didn't think that Smugglers could sink any lower than the Empire could!

Vizago sighed, knowing that can't be good!

Vizago: And Azmorigan will see that they will be killed and never get their hands on the generators...

Kanan: Exactly! Kanan: Now, come along and behave!

Vizago: Fine with me... Chopper, Omega, get the generators onboard the Phantom... And make sure that Chopper has the Phantom on autopilot in case Hondo tries to steal the generators or the ship!

Kanan shrugged, probably a good idea!

Kanan: Probably a good idea in case Hondo does try to do those things, now come on!

As the two of them rushed to find Ezra, Omega told Chopper to hurry up!

Omega: Chopper, let's go! 

While the his friends were working on a rescue plan, Ezra had just woken up after being stunned by Azmorigan!

Ezra: (Groans) Okay, not my favoruite way to wake up after being stunned!

Ezra sits up, seeing that his hands were chained up in some handcuffs!

Ezra: Great! Handcuffed and waiting to be killed! Awesome day, kid! Awesome day!

Hondo sat up with him, could be worse!

Hondo: Could be worse, my friend...

Ezra: Oh yeah? How?

Hondo: You could've been captured by the Empire instead of Azmorigan!

Ezra shrugged, good point!

Ezra: Alright, good point! (Chuckling)

Hondo chuckles, he knows a Jedi when he sees one!

Hondo: (Chuckling) (Sighs) My friend, my friend... You might not be a Bounty Hunter, but I know one thing you are... You are a Jedi! Why didn't you tell me you were a Jedi?

Ezra frowned, unsure that he could trust Hondo with his secret!

Hondo: You know, I am an old Jedi sympathizer...

Ezra scoffs at Hondo's words, he finds that hard to believe!

Ezra: (Scoffs) I find that hard to believe!

Hondo: I know... I wouldn't believe me either, but one of my best friends was a Jedi! I'm pretty sure we were friends...

Ezra frowned, he's still learning and he isn't a Jedi just yet!

Ezra: Well, I'm not really a Jedi yet!

Hondo: Well, then be a pirate Jedi... Together, we will make an excellent team! But first, tell me, what is your name?

Ezra frowned, before telling Hondo his true name!

Ezra: Ezra... My name's Ezra Skywalker!

Hondo frowned, remembering the loss of Anakin, who was a old friend of his during the Clone War!

Hondo: Oh... Yes, yes... Sorry about your Father and whoever your Mother was... Anakin was a friend, and... A very honourable man!

Ezra smiles at that, before Hondo asks about the kid's responsibilities!

Hondo: Well, you must have many responsibilities, yes?

Ezra frowned, remembering why he is in this mess!

Ezra: Yeah, too many at the moment!

Hondo: Well, then join my crew, you won't get a better deal than that, especially from me!

Ezra frowned, the idea sounded nice but... Did he really want to leave Kanan and the others and walk away from being a Jedi again?

But before Ezra could answer, one of Azmorigan's droids opened up the cell doors!

Azmorigan's Droid: Sorry to interrupt this touching moment, but the boss wants to see the both of you! 

As the droids took him and Hondo to see Azmorigan and possibly kill them, Ezra knew that he needed to make a choice... Leave the Ghost Crew and stay with Hondo, or stay with the Crew and continuing doing what he thought was right?

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