Chapter Fifty-Four: Returning to Lothal/Ezra's Force trance!

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On an Imperial transport, Sabine was confused that Hera wasn't taking the Ghost to Lothal but they were letting Chopper drive!

Sabine: So, we're not taking the Ghost, and we're letting Chopper drive?

Hera knew that there is a good chance that the Empire will be able to track the Ghost, especially after their stunt to rescue Kanan on Mustafar!

Hera: After our stunt on Mustafar, there's a good chance the Empire will be able to track it!

Zeb knew that the Empire will track them either way before rolling his eyes at Chopper, just as Kanan and Ezra joined them!

Ezra: The good news is that Ahsoka is now picking the people of Tarkintown so that it won't be destroyed in case it really is a setup to turn Lothal against us!

Sabine smirked as Kanan joined Ezra, so far so good!

Kanan: Well, that is good news!

Sabine: Great mission so far!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan twirled his blaster in his hand before turning to Ezra, knowing that this is the kid's mission right now!

Kanan: So what's the plan?

Ezra: Okay, so Minister Tua is scheduled to visit Governor Tarkin tomorrow... She leaves Lothal via shuttle at 1800... We wait at the hangar, steal the shuttle take her to safety, and we're home free!

Crosshair: Hoping that the Shuttle isn't rigged with an unpleasant surprise...

Ezra: Don't worry, Crosshair... You and Sabine can just blow it up with one of your them instead!

Crosshair shrugged at Kanan, good enough for him!

Crosshair: Good enough for me, kid!

Sabine and Zeb frowned, they are still a little bit unsure on helping Minister Tua and do not think she is not worth saving the way that Ezra does!

Sabine: Ezra, I hope you're sure about this...

Zeb: After all the trouble she's made for us, why should we help her?

Ezra frowned, reminding his two sibling figures of what they do and what Eldra and her family taught him as a kid...

Ezra: Because that's what we do, help those who can't help themselves... Plus, her list will help us out!

Hera smiled sweetly at the kid before Kanan gently ruffled Ezra's hair!

Kanan: That's our kid!

Suddenly, the transport comes out of Hyperspace as Lothal Control is clearing Chopper's transport for landing... Ezra glared at his former home planet, something just didn't feel right!

Lothal Control: Shuttle 593, this is Lothal Control... You are cleared to land!

Sabine and Crosshair high-fived each other, that was easy!

Crosshair: Yes!

Sabine: Okay... I told you it was gonna work, no problem!

While his friends celebrated and the two explosive experts prepared their surprise gift for the Empire just in case Sabine's theory was right, Ezra felt a little bit off... He didn't that he would miss it, but...

Ezra: I didn't think I'd miss it, but I...

Ezra's voice froze mid-sentence, feeling that his eyes were caught in some kind of Force daze... Kanan saw that Ezra didn't look so very good, sensing that something was wrong!

Kanan: What is it? Is there something wrong? (Waves his hand in front of Ezra's entranced eyes, seeing that something was wrong for sure!) Hey kid, you feeling alright? You... You don't look so very good! 

But Ezra didn't seem to hear his Master, as he almost looked hypnotized by something! Seeing that the kid's eyes had become unfocused, Kanan became worried before he got out of his seat and made his way towards Ezra, kneeling down to the kid's level, seeing that his student was trapped in some kind of Force trance!

Kanan: Ezra?! 

Hera's cracked in worry, her fear for Ezra's well being was starting to show as much as Kanan's was! Sabine and Zeb wanted to go and check on him, but Crosshair held them back, knowing that this is something that Kanan should handle!

Crosshair: Don't crowd them!

Hera: Kanan, what's going on?!

Kanan: I don't know... I don't know! Ezra, can you hear me?! Ezra!

Gently, he lowered Ezra into his seat as Kanan nudged his student to snap out of it and wake up!

Kanan: Ezra! Kid! Come on, snap out of it!

Slowly, Ezra started to see images and pictures in front of him through the Force, but the problem was that the kid couldn't make any sense of them! 

Kanan: It's been a while... I was hoping that you fell on Tarkin's Star Destroyer when it was demolished a few weeks ago!

Kaitis: It is a delusion to think that your actions have had any consequences... The hunt for any remaining Jedi continues its work, and Lord Vader and I have come for you...

Ezra: It wouldn't be the first time...

Darth Vader: It was foretold that you would be here, Anakin Skywalker's youngest son... Ezra Skywalker, the young Rebel Jedi Padawan... Our long-awaited meeting has come at last!

Ezra: I'm glad that I gave you something to look forward to!

Darth Vader: Your Master has deceived you into believing you can become a Jedi!

At the sight of his own lightsaber and the heat of it coming towards his neck via the Dark Side of the Force and about to kill him, Ezra screamed in fear!

Ezra: (Screaming with Fear and Terror!)

Suddenly, he felt someone shaking his shoulders, trying to wake him up from whatever Force trance that he is trapped in!

Kanan: Hey Ezra? Ezra? Ezra, are you okay? Can you hear me? Ezra? Wake up!

Hearing his Master's concerned voice, Ezra snaps out of it and sees his friend's concerned's green eyes staring back at him!

Ezra: H-huh? W-what? (Sees that it is just Kanan, Ezra fought to clear his head!) K-Kanan? (Groans)

Seeing that his apprentice is awake, Kanan did his best to calm him, down, reassuring Ezra that he was safe now!

Kanan: It's just me, Ezra... It's okay kid, I've got you... You're safe!

Ezra sits up a little bit, still drained and exhausted from the Force trance he was just caught in! After seeing that Hera and the others were giving Kanan some space so that Ezra and their Leader could be left alone, Kanan placed a worried hand on the kid's shoulder, wanting to know what just happened!

Kanan: Ezra? What happened back there, kiddo? You were talking about Lothal before you sensed that something was wrong... I've been trying to ask you what was wrong and wake you up for the past 5 minutes but you wouldn't answer me, it's like you were trapped in some kind of Force trance and I couldn't snap you out of it!

Ezra: Oh... Sorry! I... Saw some images, but can't make any sense of them!

Ezra hugged his arms, shivering a little bit! Kanan gave his apprentice's shoulder a gentle squeeze, asking again what was bothering him!

Kanan: Ezra, what is it?

Ezra frowned, still feeling the coldness from his trance...

Ezra: Do you feel that? I... I feel so cold! Whatever is going down there, one thing is for certain! It can't be good...

Kanan frowned, wondering what kind of plot the Empire has in store for his Padawan now...

Kanan: Hmm...

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