Chapter Thirty-Three: Kanan is Captured/Ezra's Promise

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Later that day at night time, Ezra was guarding the Tower while Kanan was inside with Sabine and Chopper!

Kanan: Okay, Sabine, three minutes!

Sabine: Chopper, install the spike!

But as Chopper is installing the spike, Kanan saw that Imperial Forces were arriving already!

Kanan: What? They're here? That's impossible!

Kanan runs outside to see that Ezra was already reaching for his lightsaber, noticing that they have some unwelcomed company!

Ezra: Time's up...

Kanan: Sabine, we got targets incoming. Let's move!

Sabine: You said I'd get three minutes!

Kanan: Well, now you get one, so hurry up!

Sabine: Yeah, you and me both...

Ezra runs off, confusing Kanan where his student is going!

Kanan: Where are you going?!

Ezra: I'm going to get Zeb and then I'm coming right back! Just stay right here, Kanan!

Kanan nods, knowing that he'll be fine!

Kanan: I'll be fine, now go!

As Ezra leaves to get Zeb, Kanan contacts Hera!

Kanan: Spectre-1 to Phantom, We're gonna change our pickup!

Hera: Not a good idea, Spectre-1!

Kanan: Plan's changing.

Hera: (Sighs) Just get your eyes on the sky!

Kanan: We'll meet you up there!

Hera: Copy that...

Sabine finally speaks up, finally getting a signal!

Sabine: Okay, I got a signal! It worked, let's go!

Zeb was blasting Stormtroopers, hen Ezra showed up on his speeder!

Ezra: Zeb, come on. Kanan wants us to move!

Zeb: But I like this gun!

Ezra: We'll get you another gun!

Seeing that the Empire is onto them, Zeb decided that the kid is right!

Zeb: Yeah, I can get another gun!

Zeb hopped onto Ezra's speeder, before they zoomed back to the Tower to regroup with the others! But when they finally got there, Kanan pushed Sabine back inside!

Kanan: Not this way. Back inside!

Sabine: Are you crazy?

Kanan: Take the lift, Hera will meet you at the top!

Ezra is confused and concerned about his Master, worried about his well-being!

Ezra: Wait! What about you?

Kanan: I'll take the next one!

Zeb grabs Sabine's arm, pulling her inside!

Zeb: Let's go!

Kanan: Ezra... I'll be right behind you!

Ezra nods but before he could go inside, he sees Kaitis's red lightsaber heading straight for Kanan!

Ezra: Kanan, look out!

The door to the Tower closes just as Ezra pushes Kanan out of harm's way, causing the lightsaber to hit the door's controls instead! Kanan sighed with relief, that was close!

Kanan: Whew... Thanks Ezra, that was close!

Ezra: Yeah, too close!

Ezra helps his Master up to his feet just in time for them to see some Imperial Tanks approaching, as Agent Kallus gets off!

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