Chapter Seventy-Three: Eldra and Quinlan's reunion.../Deserter in need!

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In the deep of Hyperspace, Quinlan was taking a tour of the Ghost while they were heading towards the Garel System! In Sabine's room, he found the kid sleeping with her! Kanan came over and smiled at the two of them, seeing how cute the two of them were when they are asleep, seeing that the kid held Kanan's blue Holocron in his hand! Quinlan Vos and Kanan shook their heads, he was a curious one like Anakin was, he'll give him that...

Quinlan Vos: (Sighs) Well, this is a first... Inspecting his Father's lightsaber training lessons on your blue Holocron finally tired him and Sabine out!

Kanan: Yeah, he's curious... I'll give him that!

Quinlan Vos: (Sighs) Kanan, he's a child! What are we gonna do with him?

Kanan frowned, knowing that Eldra's old Master doesn't seem to understand the kind of person that Ezra is becoming more and more each day!

Kanan: I believe that you're underestimating the young man that he's slowly becoming!

Suddenly, Sabine woke up from sleeping with the kid! Kanan frowned, he didn't think that looked comfortable for either of them!

Kanan: Well, that doesn't look comfortable, for either of you!

Sabine smiled before she turned to wake up her sleeping friend!

Sabine: We're fine! Ezra? Come on... Rise and shine, kiddo!

Ezra rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes, remembering that he fell asleep while listening to his Father's lightsaber lessons again!

Ezra: Oh... Hey guys! Sorry, I must have fallen asleep while Sabine and I were listening to my Father's lightsaber lessons again!

Kanan helped his student up, knowing that happens to the best of them!

Kanan: No one gets it right away., kiddo...

Ezra: How many tries did it take you? 

Kanan: (Chuckles) Oh, so many! I was not good at it... Worse than you!

Ezra: Okay, now you're just trying to make me feel better!

Kanan: No... No... Is it working?

Ezra: A little bit... Yeah!

Both: (Chuckling)

Kanan handed Ezra and Sabine some Rations to eat, knowing that they are probably hungry right now!

Kanan: Here... Chow time!

Sabine: Ah, finally!

He handed Sabine and Ezra their food, knowing that they need more supplies soon!

Kanan: Well, that's all for now! Rations are low...

Quinlan Vos: (Groans)

Ezra offers his food, seeing that Quinlan is still hungry!

Ezra: You can have mine if you really want!

Quinlan shook his head, Ezra reminded him too much of his two old Padawans... Eldra and Aayla Secura... Plus, he knew that the kid needed to keep his strength up! 

Quinlan Vos: Oh... Uh... No, no, thanks... You keep it!

Ezra: Okay!

Ezra and Kanan simply shrugged at each other, as he and Sabine sat down and enjoyed their Rations! As the two of them ate their food, Kanan saw that Vos wasn't used to having another young kid around other than Eldra, who he has not seen in almost 16 Years!

Quinlan Vos: (Groans) I guess I'm not used to having a kid around here!

Kanan: Well, none of us are... But he's not complaining!

Sabine smiled at the two of them before Ezra frowns... He wanted to ask Kanan why he didn't trust Rex now, he couldn't bare the thought of seeing his friend go through so much pain and suffering, and not being able to help him any longer!

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